For about ten years I’ve thoroughly enjoyed photographing the Pride parade in the city of Malmö, Sweden because it is such a positive and life-affirming event. There is such a good vibe at the event and the diversity among people both visiting the parade event as well as participating is astounding. I can’t help being amazed at how different today’s situation is compared to when I was young, which is quite some time ago now.
Read MoreSpring photos in black and white...isn't that against the rules?
Like just about all Swedes I’ve enjoyed the warmer days and greener surroundings that we’ve had since the start of April (although we did get some snow flurries just the other week), so of course I’ve been out and about with my camera to portray the changing season.
Therefore it might seem strange that all the shots in this post are in black and white, and not showing ANY of the green colors of the landscape. However I wanted to experiment with the Acros film simulation on my Fujifilm XT-3 camera and see how contrasty you could make the images, and thereby focusing the viewer’s attention on shapes and different shades, rather than saturated colors.
Read MoreOut in the streets...again
These past two years of “plague” I haven’t been very good at keeping up my street photography skills…for the simple and to me rather obvious reason that it is unwise to be among too many people, that it’s better to maintain a good distance to potential sources of infection. However, now that the numbers are reasonably low (yes, I know they’re climbing a little bit again) I decided that I needed a stroll through the city of Malmö. The weather was good and I had reasons to be in the city anyway later that day so I thought why not?
Read More'tis the season for flowers!
Even though it happens every year it sure feels nice when the colors in nature shifts from brown, black and gray to a more diverse palette , including green and red and purple! Spring is here and the warm weather we’ve had for at least a week has jumpstarted nature into spring. All over flowers and leaves have popped into existence and I am all for it!
Read MoreGreen for a day...again!
It’s been three years since the last time the Irish and the wanna-be-Irish-for-a-day in Copenhagen could celebrate March 17th, a.k.a. St.Patrick’s Day, but this year it was once again possible to gather to dress up in various shades of green, white and orange (but mostly green).
Read MoreThe Last 365 Project
So another year has passed and 365 images have been taken, processed and uploaded. to Instagram and here to my website. Just like my previously successful years all the photos have also been put into a hard copy book for me to enjoy as a physical memento of this project. Success for the project, a bit of an ego boost and a hearty pat on the back for me. Yay!
Read MoreThe 365 Project Mark VI - Month Twelve
This blog has been silent for quite some time, and that has a medical and a travel reason. However, now that I am back home again and healthier (yep, like so many I came down with the infamous Corona virus) I am going to get back to posting to this site, including the remaining summaries of my 2021 edition of my 365 projects, both of December and the whole year.
Read MoreThe 365 Project Mark VI - Month Eleven
The eleventh month of the year was one of lots of fall colors, but also a lot of rain, gray skies and increasing darkness. It’s usually a bit tricky to shoot during this month, because once the daylight saving time is over it gets dark pretty early in these quite northerly latitudes, which makes photography a bit difficult if you’re not using artificial lights…which I don’t…not yet anyway…perhaps that is something to strive for in 2022? We’ll see!
Read MoreThe 365 Project Mark VI - Month Ten
The fall color season hit us with a vengeance this year, bringing out the yellows, reds and browns with full force. I hadn’t really been out all that much shooting those colors for a few years, because I felt that I’d done it already and I was just trying to re-heat a souffle. This year though I guess I had been “away” from that sort of photography enough that it felt somewhat new and interesting again. Hence October of 2021 had lots of fall colors among my 365 images.
Read MoreThe 365 Project Mark VI - Month Nine
I’ve noticed a pattern with these monthly summary blogposts where I start many of them with how much of the year is now over, so I guess I should do the same with this one (consistency and all that ;-)). We've just managed to get through 3 quarters of the year and are now definitely on the home stretch. 2022 can’t come soon enough!
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