The eleventh month of the year was one of lots of fall colors, but also a lot of rain, gray skies and increasing darkness. It’s usually a bit tricky to shoot during this month, because once the daylight saving time is over it gets dark pretty early in these quite northerly latitudes, which makes photography a bit difficult if you’re not using artificial lights…which I don’t…not yet anyway…perhaps that is something to strive for in 2022? We’ll see!
The cover image is from the beautifully scenic areas around Röstånga in the middle of the Skåne province where my photo club’s board had our annual photography weekend away together. It is a lot of fun to hang out with fellow nerds and talk all kinds of photography…and lots of other things as well. When I saw this photo in the viewfinder of my camera I couldn’t help thinking that it looked a bit like a Japanese wood carved print of the fall colors. There’s something about the way the branches bend across the frame that gives me that impression.
Day 307 - November 3: Conny taking the group photo
Speaking of photography club board…this is taken just about a hundred yards away from and about twenty minutes after the image above. Our web admin Conny suggested we line up and he’d take a photo of the group, and since we’re all photographers he suggested we all hold our cameras to our faces, faking taking his picture. Of course I didn’t fake taking mine!
Day 317 - November 13: All Aboard!
There’s been very little street photography for me since the start of the pandemic, but occasionally I get to do it. I decided to go into the streets of Malmö one afternoon to look for people and situation to take pictures of, and I came across this situation where this kid was trying to climb on top of his father’s cargo bike. Given that Malmö is mostly flat as a pancake it’s an ideal city for bikes, and you do see more and more of these cargo bikes, carting whole families around.
Day 321 - November 17: Starting them at a young age
This happens to be my favorite bookstore in Malmö, and one I ought to refrain from visiting too often, since it tends to fill my bookshelf and empty my bank account. I did smile tho when I saw this mother and child enter the bookstore…I may be a bit biased as a sci-fi fan, but I’d say they are off to a good start, educating the kid into the fandom.
Day 324 - November 20: Hazy Morning
Another picture from the photo club board getaway, although I took this one from the Nackarpsdalen area outside Röstånga with my medium format Russian film camera, the Kiev 60. The haze was just about to lift in the valley and it provided us with some beautiful backlit areas. Sadly this was one of the last photos I could take with that camera, since the shutter curtain on it broke. As of yet I’ve not decided if I am going to replace it with an identical one or move to another camera brand. That’s for 2022…
Day 333 - November 29: Little Elves
It seems fitting to end the month’s wrap-up post with this holiday themed picture. As I write this lots of people’s holiday lights are up in gardens and windows and it feels decidedly more cheerful than it did at the start of the month! The actual picture was taken at the Stortorget square in Malmö during a photographers’ brunch/photowalk on November 28 (also my birthday…yay me…). It was pretty cold that day and not a lot of light, but we did have a good time at the cafe tables and I landed a few okay pictures from the walk…so it was all good in the end.