It is a nice feeling to know that you don’t have to travel to an exotic location to end up with a lovely group of pictures…sometimes it is enough to look in your local area and you can find something nice. In this case the area around Höje River just on the outskirts of the city of Lund. The city in their wisdom has decided to preserve the area around the river from development and it is such a nice experience to walk along the water, take in the scenery and hear the birds sing.
Read MoreLund
Day 356 - December 22: Skyline
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Twelve
This blog has been silent for quite some time, and that has a medical and a travel reason. However, now that I am back home again and healthier (yep, like so many I came down with the infamous Corona virus) I am going to get back to posting to this site, including the remaining summaries of my 2021 edition of my 365 projects, both of December and the whole year.
Read MoreReturning again and again to a location
Most of 2020 and the start of 2021 has meant an ongoing “hunt” for places nearby where people aren’t likely to be too abundant (because other people are dangerous etc…) so I have found myself going back to certain locations several times since the start of the pandemic, camera in hand.
Read MoreNovember 9 - Day 314: Into A Dark Tunnel
The 365 Project - November Wrap-Up it is, my last but one wrap-up post for this year's project. I've done well over 330 pictures so far on something I quite honestly wasn't sure I'd be able to complete. I've got a habit of starting projects that I end up not finishing for various reasons. But this one has stuck with me for 11+ months now. I have no intention to quit now that I'm so close to the "goal", and in fact in the last few days I've toyed with the idea of keeping it up into next year.
Read MoreJuly 2 - Day 184: Portal
The 365 Project - July Wrap-Up
Another month of my 2016 365 project is over and as of the end of July I’m at the point where I called it quits last time I tried this year long project back in 2014. Not so this time! I’ve got no plans on quitting this because I still find it fun to find an image to post on a daily basis. I’ve discovered that the key is not to let yourself lag behind even for a day, because it is way too easy to say to yourself that it’s no can always post two tomorrow. That tends to lead to more laziness and then you have to post three or more in a row, and that’s more like a chore than something you do for fun...and this is supposed to be fun after all!
As before I’ve chosen five images, plus a cover images for this blog post to write a bit more about. So here we go!
Read MoreA DSLR free week?
There are few weeks when I've not taken a single picture with my trusty Canon DSLR, but this has been one of those. The weather has simply been...well...November is a good way to describe it. And Swedish November at that...which means seriously crappy light for photography! Also, it's NaNoWriMo now, that month of the year when writing takes center stage for me, which means I don't mind leaving the big camera in the backpack for a bit!
Read MoreTwo friends overlooking the Öresund outside The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
People At Museums
During the week since my last posting I've been at three museums: The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebaek, Denmark, The Malmöhus Castle Museum and the Museum of Sketches in Lund. That's definitely not my normal dosage, but this week that's how it lined up. Out of these museums the one in Denmark was definitely the biggest, both in floor space, exhibition size as well as crowd sizes. It is interesting to see people reacting to artworks at exhibitions, what moves people to respond in different ways, so this week's post is mostly people in those three museums, with a shot of the great hall at Malmöhus Castle thrown in just to share some scenery.
Read MoreMedieval technicolor!
There are many medieval markets and fairs during the summer months in Sweden, but this weekend was the first time I've attended the one in Lund, Sweden. It was a rather low-key affair compared to some of the larger hooplas I've seen, but I liked that. It gave the visitors space to actually move around and look at the wares and things on sale, as well as the various "medieval" activities you could try out, like axe throwing, archery or even shooting with a siege engine (yep...a real ballista...even if it was rather small).
Read MorePride Parade in Lund
For the second time (I think so at least) on May 23rd 2015, there was to be a Pride parade in Lund, Sweden and I figured I could get some good photos out of that, since those events tend to be rather colorful, and everyone there is so happy take part, to make it an event. Like I mentioned in the previous blog entry the amount of photos taken lately has been rather low, so it was also an opportunity to get some new shots.
Once I had taken all the photos of the colorful participants I figured I'd do something new with my photos. So I decided to join the twenty-first century and make a little slideshow video of my shots, which you can watch below. Hope you enjoy!
May means outdoor living
It is definitely true that when it gets warmer the Swedes move outside! Also they tend to put on more colorful clothes than during the winter months. The city was full of people on a perfectly ordinary Wednesday and there were plenty of opportunities to shoot street photography!
The blog has been silent for a little while (I missed my usual self-imposed Sunday deadline, mostly because I didn't have any new photos I felt like sharing), but hopefully I'll be able to start it up again with this group of photos taken in the city of Lund, Sweden on May 6th.