Last weekend my constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) and I drove north to try to get to Söderåsen National Park to get some fall color photography before all those colors are gone, but after the hour’s drive north and reaching the parking area at our intended destination we couldn’t find a single free space. What to do? Where to go?
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Taking my camera for a walk again...
Once again I found myself in my usual little woodland area, not too far from my home, namely Skryllegården, just outside Lund, Sweden. I had gone there more for the fresh air and a bit of a leg stretch along the 3 kilometer jogging/walking path, but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t bring my camera! So pictures were of course taken…and they are now shared on this blog.
Read MoreDay 313 - November 9: Golden Leaves
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Eleven
The eleventh month of the year was one of lots of fall colors, but also a lot of rain, gray skies and increasing darkness. It’s usually a bit tricky to shoot during this month, because once the daylight saving time is over it gets dark pretty early in these quite northerly latitudes, which makes photography a bit difficult if you’re not using artificial lights…which I don’t…not yet anyway…perhaps that is something to strive for in 2022? We’ll see!
Read MoreDay 46 - February 15: Ice Fishing
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Two
The older I get the faster time flies by…it’s hard to believe one sixth of 2021 is already over. I guess we’re still in some sort of holding pattern, still waiting for a change from March 2020 so that the “real” 2021 can start.
The second month of the year, this short month, was full of weather contrasts. We both had warm-ish spring days as well as bitterly cold days (and nights especially when the mercury…or whatever’s in thermometers these days) plunged to -12 C (10 F). That made for some rather unusual winter scenes here in southern Sweden where it usually doesn’t get that cold for any prolonged period of time beyond a day or three.
Read MoreReturning again and again to a location
Most of 2020 and the start of 2021 has meant an ongoing “hunt” for places nearby where people aren’t likely to be too abundant (because other people are dangerous etc…) so I have found myself going back to certain locations several times since the start of the pandemic, camera in hand.
Read MoreWalk in the rift valleys
There are a few reasonably “safe” spaces for people to hang out at now that we’re supposed to stay away from each other for the sake of everyone’s health - nature being one of them. Of course that only works if not “everyone” picks the same spot in nature to visit at the same time…which is what it felt like a few weekends ago when I went to the Söderåsen National Park in central Skåne, a very scenic area.
Read MoreRidiculously wide images...part three
Two weeks since my last blog entry, and I will put that down to a certain lack of enthusiasm that probably comes from the social distancing that I’ve had to implement, due to people near me being in the risk categories. So, there’s been no street photography for me for quite a long time now and I must say I miss it! But I’d miss my loved ones more and I would definitely NOT want to catch something from someone out in the city and pass it to them! So, no street photography for me for awhile further…I’ll stick with nature shots and places where it’s possible to stay a good way away from other people.
Read MoreDay 365 - December 31: End of the year
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Twelfth Month Summary
So this marks the end of my 365 project for 2019 and a delayed wrap-up post of the month of December. 31 images uploaded in the last month of the year and 365 images uploaded throughout the whole year. I must say I am pretty pleased that I was able to keep it going…although it was not as difficult as it was in 2014, 2016 or 2018 (when I didn’t even upload the taken pictures for more than half a year). Still…365 images, that’s A LOT! It’d be way too many to put into an exhibition and probably too many to put into a photo book, unless you print them fairly small (which is how I will do my Blurb book of the project).
I’m happy with how the project turned out, and some of the pictures are actually good enough that I’d consider printing them large, especially some of the images I’ve taken with my Kiev 60 medium format camera throughout the year. It feels like I’m starting to understand how to use that camera to glean that extra bit of “pop” that medium format can give, when it’s done right.
Read MoreWet, wet, wet in the woods
This will be the final blogpost of 2019 (given that it’s the day before New Year’s Eve it is very unlikely I will write another one before midnight tomorrow ;-)), but I am not going to summarize the year this time around. I’ll probably do that with next week’s post, given that by then I will have finished my 365 project for this year. That’ll be a good time for a wrap-up, both for December as well as for 2019.
Read MoreWalk in the woods
Last week’s post perhaps came across a bit too much doom and gloom-ish with me feeling a bit fed up with photography (or edging towards it). I think it was more a case of me having shot a lot of black and white street photography with my analog equipment this summer and I might have done a bit too much of that without shooting other things now and then. Therefore I jumped at the chance to head out into the woods for some fall colors with my constant photo buddy (a.k.a. Dad). He graciously “allowed” me to shoot with my 18-200 lens on my Canon 600D (it’s been on long-term loan to him while he figures out what lens to get for his camera), while he used my backup 35-75 mm crap lens.
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