It is a nice feeling to know that you don’t have to travel to an exotic location to end up with a lovely group of pictures…sometimes it is enough to look in your local area and you can find something nice. In this case the area around Höje River just on the outskirts of the city of Lund. The city in their wisdom has decided to preserve the area around the river from development and it is such a nice experience to walk along the water, take in the scenery and hear the birds sing.
Read MoreSkåne
This group put on quite a bit of a show with their Klezmer music. Quite catchy, but not exactly holiday music. I didnt mind!
Music and Market at the Castle
November is over and done with and probably not missed by a whole lot of people! The darkness and wetness associated with that month is just not a whole lot of fun! Now though Christmas is approaching and it seems everyone is more positive (me included…which I am sure most people around me appreciates! ;-) ).
Read MoreDay 356 - December 22: Skyline
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Twelve
This blog has been silent for quite some time, and that has a medical and a travel reason. However, now that I am back home again and healthier (yep, like so many I came down with the infamous Corona virus) I am going to get back to posting to this site, including the remaining summaries of my 2021 edition of my 365 projects, both of December and the whole year.
Read MoreDay 252 - September 9: Covid? Not on this full boat!
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Nine
I’ve noticed a pattern with these monthly summary blogposts where I start many of them with how much of the year is now over, so I guess I should do the same with this one (consistency and all that ;-)). We've just managed to get through 3 quarters of the year and are now definitely on the home stretch. 2022 can’t come soon enough!
Read MoreReturning again and again to a location
Most of 2020 and the start of 2021 has meant an ongoing “hunt” for places nearby where people aren’t likely to be too abundant (because other people are dangerous etc…) so I have found myself going back to certain locations several times since the start of the pandemic, camera in hand.
Read MoreGoing up!
New gear at the train station
There is a certain excitement for a photography nerd when there’s new gear around - although in my case the new gear I’ve acquired in the last few year has been OLD gear - in the shape of analog cameras. Last year I got myself a Kiev 60 medium format camera and that was a fun piece of (to me) new old tech to have a go at, shooting those lovely large 6 x 6 cm negatives. I’ve enjoyed exploring 135 format film photography too with various cameras. However, I’ve been feeling that my 2011 Canon 600D DSLR has been used less and less, because the low-light capabilities felt lacking. Also, the size of it was beginning to be a problem for my more and more achy hands (which is a bit ironic, given that when I got that Canon camera I felt I needed to add a battery grip to let my hands grab it properly).
Read MoreThe 365 Project 2019: Day 7 - At the Old Quarry
The 365 Project Mark IV - The First Month Summary
The 365 project is back! Actually it never left after I took the 365th picture of 2018, I just kept going into the new year. I didn’t feel done with my one picture per day thing, partly because I didn’t upload the pictures daily during the year - I just stored them on my computer and inserted them into my book file, yet to be printed.
This year though, the still somewhat new and shiny 2019, I am going back to uploading the daily image to my Instagram account. I am widening my sources of images too, no longer restricting myself to cell phone shots only. As good as the Samsung S8+ is, I have snapped quite a few good ones with my (to me) new Kiev 60 medium format camera too, so I will include a few of them here and there as the year progresses, and possibly other analog photos as well.
Read MoreMy analog adventures continue
Once again I've got some analog images to show in this blog, and unlike last week's batch I think I nailed the focus in at least one or two of these with "my" (technically dad's) Zeiss Ikon Nettar 6 x 6 camera from 1957. I must say I am starting to like these large negatives...the amount of information in them is pretty amazing!
Read MoreNever far from the sea
When you live in Skåne, Sweden like I do you're never really that far away from the ocean. I don't see it every day, but it is a nice feeling to know that it is only a short drive there to get the salty smell in your lungs and getting to see the vast expanse of water in front of you.
Read MoreSunshine on a Sunday
Sunday was a day when I sort of restarted my photowalking after my long bout with the flu. There was a gathering of Instagram users who had agreed to walk the streets of Malmö, and I decided to join in. Not so much for the Instagram part, but just to do some photowalking again.
The weather was very nice so I decided to travel into the city an hour early so I could get some shooting done on my own first, because while photowalking is great with fellow photographers it’s not exactly the most rewarding photography wise, because a big group of photographers can’t exactly blend into the scenery. We do tend to stand out sometimes! So the vast majority of these photos I did before the actual walk with all the others, some twenty or thirty people walking around snapping away with their cell phones.