Taking a bus to the center of Malmö to photograph and show support for the annual Pride parade has become a part of the summer “ritual” for me in the last ten years or so (Covid years excluded of course) and it’s always fun! For a street photographer who often converts his photos to black and white it is also a welcome change in the photos into all colors of the rainbow (and then some!). As I always write though, it’s not just a celebration of everyone’s right to self-expression and love, it is also a protest and a show of strength and unity. I like seeing that!
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A little group think at Triangeln in Malmö
There's images out in them streets!
So far 2024 has been a very low-volume year for me when it comes to photography. I guess I hit that mid-winter slump that usually strikes when the light is almost non-existent and the weather seems determined to be the worst it possibly can be. So I am okay with there being a lull now and then (I’ve written about it several times before in this blog so I won’t dwell on it in this post. That was why I decided to hop on a bus into the center of Malmö for a stroll down my usual “hunting ground” in the downtown area.
Read More“Kärlek till alla” or “Love for everyone!” Nice message there from the bus!
Sunny days are their own reward!
Slowly but surely the light is returning to the northern hemisphere and when we had a rare sunny day I just had to enjoy the last few hours of it on the streets of Malmö before my photo club’s bi-weekly get-together. The shadows were pretty harsh, but I enjoyed working with them, rather than cursing them for “interfering” with my images. That sunlight was almost warm on the face…so who am I to complain about it?
Read MoreDay 252 - September 9: Covid? Not on this full boat!
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Nine
I’ve noticed a pattern with these monthly summary blogposts where I start many of them with how much of the year is now over, so I guess I should do the same with this one (consistency and all that ;-)). We've just managed to get through 3 quarters of the year and are now definitely on the home stretch. 2022 can’t come soon enough!
Read MoreAt the Triangeln Train Station
Analog Street Photography Round-Up
This week’s blog post is a mix of photos taken on the streets of Malmö, Sweden in the last few weeks. I’ve done a fair bit of analog street photography lately, but haven’t shared much of it on my blog…until now that is. The light has been rather unkind to photographers in the last few weeks, even if it looks pretty sunny in many of these pictures. However, given the sunlight we had today and almost 10 degrees Celsius (50 F) it feels like we are on the right path towards both tolerable temperatures and good light!
Read MoreA DSLR free week?
There are few weeks when I've not taken a single picture with my trusty Canon DSLR, but this has been one of those. The weather has simply been...well...November is a good way to describe it. And Swedish November at that...which means seriously crappy light for photography! Also, it's NaNoWriMo now, that month of the year when writing takes center stage for me, which means I don't mind leaving the big camera in the backpack for a bit!
Read MoreFaces in the Crowd
Street photography is fun when you can land expressions on people's faces! In a crowded city like Copenhagen on a Saturday afternoon/evening it isn't always so easy. You tend to get a lot of shots where people "interfere" with your composition by sticking an arm, leg or a head into your frame, but that's all part of the experience. You'll get a lot of "duds" among your keepers, and that is nothing to be too upset about. It's easier to just shoot more and look for the expression instead. If Joe Public (or whatever the Danish equivalent might be called) ends up in half your frame...no biggie!
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