On March 2 I took my Fujifilm XT-3 and a 35 mm lens with me to the monthly photographers’ get-together in Malmö, Sweden where we fill our bellies with various delicacies on offer at the Coffee Square restaurant (I strongly recommend it to anyone in the vicinity!) and then we do a little stroll together for an hour…and sometimes a bit longer. It’s a very nice way to see old friends and geek out about photography and whatever else we can come up with to talk about. And eat some good food…which I’ve already mentioned I suppose…moving on!
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These were very ambitious joggers…personally I wouldn’t want to risk it on that uneven ground!
Cold by the coast
When the sun shines on a cold winter morning (the thermometer was at -6 C or 21 F) it feels just right to pack oneself and the constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) into the car and head down to the coast at Falsterbo. There’s just something special about seeing that horizon line that makes me feel more harmonious inside!
Read MoreNight Streets
I wrote in the last blog post that I didn’t really have any plans for what I am going to do with my 2025 photographic or creative year and that still stands. No clue yet…however I also wrote that I’d try to get out there more to take more pictures, even if it is still pretty meh around here as far as light and weather goes. It IS getting better though, the days are getting longer and you don’t risk freezing body parts off when out and about (provided you wear sensible clothing of course!).
Read MoreFestival Days are here again!
For the last almost 40 years (minus the Covid years) there’s been a city festival in Malmö, Sweden during the first half of August, and this year was not an exception. For a week (Friday to Friday) the city is full of concerts, food trucks, cultural events and lots and lots of market stalls selling all kinds of (mostly unnecessary) things. So of course I had to take a bus into the center of the city to photograph at this event.
Read MoreHere comes the Pride parade!
Taking a bus to the center of Malmö to photograph and show support for the annual Pride parade has become a part of the summer “ritual” for me in the last ten years or so (Covid years excluded of course) and it’s always fun! For a street photographer who often converts his photos to black and white it is also a welcome change in the photos into all colors of the rainbow (and then some!). As I always write though, it’s not just a celebration of everyone’s right to self-expression and love, it is also a protest and a show of strength and unity. I like seeing that!
Read MoreOne day at the market
Summer is market season in the southernmost part of Sweden so a street photographer will have plenty of opportunities to catch some good scenes. Therefore I decided to pack my shoulder bag and head to Sjöbo in the middle of the Skåne province for some wandering around all the knick-knack stalls, food vendors and amusement park rides. It was also a pretty nice day weather-wise so it felt good to be out of the house for a few hours after some rather dreary, gray and wet days.
Read MoreCosplay in the streets
One of the “rituals” of the year for me in the last few years (except during the Covid years) has been to photograph at the Nerd Parade in Malmö, Sweden in May. It’s an event put on by the local Science Fiction bookstore where people are encouraged to show off their pride in everything nerdy in sci-fi, fantasy and other genres of popular culture.
This year was no exception to that - even though I still have a lot of pictures from my spring USA journey to edit and put into a travel book of the adventure. I guess I needed a little visual break from the epic southwestern desert landscape! So a whole bunch of cosplayers parading through the streets was a very nice distraction!
Read More…and up you go! (Malmö, Sweden, 2024)
New year...what will that mean?
It’s been close to a month since I came home from my Christmas and New Year’s trip to the United States and my extended family over there. A lovely time was had and a few pictures were taken, but nothing I am going to share on this blog…family pictures can stay just that - family pictures - and not be shared with the world. That has also been the approach I have taken with my postings on social media in the last several months…not as frequent as before, mostly because I don’t think all my photos need to be seen, not even the ones I happen to be happy with.
Read More...'tis the season to be jolly (etc etc)!
The weather has been unusually cold and snowy in the southernmost parts of Sweden this winter so it made for some extra Christmas vibes when it was time for the annual Christmas market at the Malmöhus Castle, the old renaissance fortress in the center of town. There’s just something special about walking across that causeway through the old gatehouse (thankfully no drawbridge or portcullis anymore) into the courtyard and experiencing the good vibes of the place.
Read MoreThe sun was back...for a few hours at least!
The forecast was for a Saturday of potential sunshine, so given that November often is about as dark and dreary as it can be here in southern Sweden I decided to head into central Malmö to enjoy the streets for a few hours in good (hopefully anyway) light, fit for some street photography.
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