In my photo club we have a tradition of finishing the spring semester with an outdoor event with hot dogs, beer and a short little photowalk, and this year was no exception. We were originally going to meet up in the largest park in Malmö, Sweden, but had to relocate at the last minute because we realized that there’d be a huge running event through that park and the area where we’d set up our portable grills. That would not have worked, so it was a good thing there was a different place, where we’d been before, that worked very well.
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Helga and Jonas on hot dog flipping duty for the evening.
A good time by the seaside
About a month ago it was time for the season closer for my photo club and we had decided to have a bit of a hot dogs and beer moment by the ocean at the Sibbarp camping site just south of Malmö, Sweden. We’ve been there a few times before and it’s such a delightfully pretty site…provided the weather behaves itself! We definitely got lucky with that on the day, the sun was out in full force…almost too full in fact, making for quite a few overexposed images on the memory cards. That could have been my fault too of course, being a dummy with my camera…
Read MoreDay 313 - November 9: Golden Leaves
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Eleven
The eleventh month of the year was one of lots of fall colors, but also a lot of rain, gray skies and increasing darkness. It’s usually a bit tricky to shoot during this month, because once the daylight saving time is over it gets dark pretty early in these quite northerly latitudes, which makes photography a bit difficult if you’re not using artificial lights…which I don’t…not yet anyway…perhaps that is something to strive for in 2022? We’ll see!
Read MoreDay 283 - October 10: Color Explosion
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Ten
The fall color season hit us with a vengeance this year, bringing out the yellows, reds and browns with full force. I hadn’t really been out all that much shooting those colors for a few years, because I felt that I’d done it already and I was just trying to re-heat a souffle. This year though I guess I had been “away” from that sort of photography enough that it felt somewhat new and interesting again. Hence October of 2021 had lots of fall colors among my 365 images.
Read MoreMedium format at the coast
There’s been a bit of a lull in photography for me in the last two weeks, due to the weather being crap and a general feeling of blaaaah, so this post is a few days behind my self-imposed weekly blogpost deadline. I do have some new-ish pictures to share though, from the photo club walkabout at the coast I did two weekends ago.
Read MoreGood to have fellow club members as “photo models”! ;-)
Photo Club outing to Klagshamn
One of the benefits of being in a photo club is the different outings we go on, to places you probably wouldn’t have either discovered and/or gone to on your own. This weekend I went to the small village called Klagshamn south of Malmö with a few of the other club members. One of us live there, so he provided a very enjoyable and interesting stream of facts about the place and its industrial history as a place where A LOT of limestone had been quarried and processed into quicklime.
Read MoreApril 14 - Day 104: Portal
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Fourth Month Summary
Another month done, so it is time for a monthly wrap-up post. This makes for my fourth such post, making this a third of the year done already. It doesn’t feel like I’ve done 120 days of this project, but when I do look in my 365 folder on the computer there are indeed over 120 images there…so it must be true.
Anyway, spring made its full and complete arrival during the month of April, and there were even hints of summer temperatures right around Easter, which made for an enjoyable couple of days right around that holiday.
Read MoreUlrika, Kristina, Klaus and Malin taking the class and Conny, my fellow instructor on the far right.
Creating more analog photographers
This weekend I had the privilege of teaching the first part (of three) of this semester’s analog photography course at my photo club. It’s the second time I am in charge of this course (I took it myself back in 2016) and it is definitely a lot of fun! I do enjoy bringing the knowledge of this aspect of photography to more club members, and it’s encouraging to know that we’re attracting more new members, both to the club as well as to analog photography as a whole.
Read MoreMy negatives on the light table
Using coffee for developing photos?
When a fellow board member of my photo club said that this semester we'd have a "Develop with Coffee" class It certainly wasn't the first time I'd heard of the phenomenon known as "Caffenol". I'd even seen a video or two of it on YouTube, but I hadn't tried it myself before. So I figured, why not give it a go. The worst that could happen would be that a film would be ruined and I wouldn't have those particular pictures...really not the end of the world.
Read MoreBokskogen Forest on a day when the light was actually okay enough to snap a picture or two.
November is not a photo month
Whenever November rolls in my photography urges tend to fall to a year low, because frankly both the weather and the light tend to be dreary as hell. Also, I tend to be a bit more occupied with something that has become a tradition for me. For the past eight years I've participated in the National Novel Writing Month (yep, been there, done that, have the sweater...and the thermos mug...and the stickers) which, if anyone who knows me doesn't know too much about it already, is where you set the yourself the goal to write a pre-first draft of a novel of 50,000 words in one month. That's 1,667 words per day for 30 days in a row.
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