It’s August and the kids are returning to school, according to ancient traditions, and according to traditions, but not quite ancient ones yet, it was time for the Malmö Festival to happen. From Friday to Friday the center of town is full of market stalls, food trucks, carnival rides and various performances on several stages. Previous years I’ve done multiple visits to the festival and photographed performances in several locations. This year though I settled with a walk in the city, shooting some street photography among the many visitors to the festival.
Read Morecolor
'tis the season for flowers!
Even though it happens every year it sure feels nice when the colors in nature shifts from brown, black and gray to a more diverse palette , including green and red and purple! Spring is here and the warm weather we’ve had for at least a week has jumpstarted nature into spring. All over flowers and leaves have popped into existence and I am all for it!
Read MoreSpring in the air
It is March 4 as I write these words and at long last it feels like this gray winter is on its last leg (which of course means that since I wrote that we’ll have at least one snow fall before it’s all over…jinx!) and I am absolutely glad that daylight is back, both in the morning as well as later and later in the afternoon! A few more weeks and we’re back to Daylight Savings Time which makes for even longer afternoons. Yay!
Read MoreYellow and blue...clearly it's a Swedish meadow! ;-)
Everything is so vibrant!
As much as I've been shooting black and white analog stuff this year (of which I've developed some but not yet scanned them) it's hard to deny that outside the window the colors are pretty much as vibrant as they're going to be...until the fall colors descend upon us in a few months' time.
Read MoreA Brief Moment of Street Photography
I took a brief walk in Malmö the other day to get my photography back in gear after a bit of a bout with a cold and while I didn't walk for very long I got a few shots that I'm okay with sharing. Fall is definitely upon us, and people have begun to switch out their colorful summer wardrobe for more somber colors. Still a few weeks to go though before we all descend into Ingmar Bergman territory, wardrobe-wise, so best to make the most of it!
It's interesting to see that there are a lot of people out and about walking around with guide books and maps in Malmö, to an extent that I didn't see just a few years ago. Lots of tourists must do wonders for the hotel and restaurant businesses!
Swedes love their phones...some seem unable to leave them be for even the briefest of moments.... (I should know...I'm one of those people, even though I'm working on leaving the thing in my pocket more).
Sometimes though a face to face conversation is just better than using our phones!
Pedal boat with the Kungsparken Casino in the background
Summer in the City
Last Sunday I felt It was time to do another stroll in the city of Malmö to capture whatever struck my fancy and while it wasn't the most well-populated streets I think I found a few interesting things to take pictures of; among tourists, bicycles, pedal boats in the canal and wall murals, to name a few.
Read MoreMay means outdoor living
It is definitely true that when it gets warmer the Swedes move outside! Also they tend to put on more colorful clothes than during the winter months. The city was full of people on a perfectly ordinary Wednesday and there were plenty of opportunities to shoot street photography!
The blog has been silent for a little while (I missed my usual self-imposed Sunday deadline, mostly because I didn't have any new photos I felt like sharing), but hopefully I'll be able to start it up again with this group of photos taken in the city of Lund, Sweden on May 6th.
Cecilia from my photo club looking thrilled about the weather.
Best to focus on the images you take!
I’ve done a a bit of street photography since my last blog post, and all of that in the city of Malmö, Sweden. It’s one of my usual “hunting grounds”, so the streets are very familiar to me. So for me it is trying to catch people that is the more important thing, and in interesting situations at that. That’s not always possible, due to them being too far away (yes I know I can get closer) or being too quick to end up on the memory card.
Sometimes you can’t get the camera up to your eye fast enough to grab a shot when someone does something least I can’t. My reflexes aren’t at ninja levels, so sometimes those picture opportunities slip through my fingers.
That’s perfectly fine though, and I’ve learned to not commiserate over or mope around about the images or people that got away. There’s always other images to take, more people to spot! It is much better to focus on the shots you actually did take! If you focus well enough (no pun intended) on them you’re bound to find at least a few keepers there!
Göran and Karin from my photo club have both found something interesting to capture.
It looks like this little dog is ready to take its humans home and out of the wind!
It's gray in November...
During the month of November it generally is very gray and dark in Sweden, so it's perfectly timed to participate in NaNoWriMo, since it is not exactly photography weather most of the time. However, if you sit in front of your computer day in, day out you're eventually going to go bonkers (at least I think I would), so I've still been outside, if only to get a bit of grayish daylight into my eyes.
Of course I bring my camera too (I wouldn't be me otherwise), but there still hasn't been much photography this month. Here are a few of the fall-related pictures I've taken this month though, just within a mile or so from where I live.
They're all taken with my Canon 600d and a 50 mm 1.8 lens (since my zoom lens has been in the repair shop for a large part of the month), and I find it intriguing to try to take the shots with a fixed focus lens sometimes. It makes you zoom with your feet, so you get a workout on top of getting your images (albeit a very small workout!). They've been processed in Adobe Lightroom 3, where I've increased contrasts and color to make them "pop" better on screen.