Even though it happens every year it sure feels nice when the colors in nature shifts from brown, black and gray to a more diverse palette , including green and red and purple! Spring is here and the warm weather we’ve had for at least a week has jumpstarted nature into spring. All over flowers and leaves have popped into existence and I am all for it!
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Day 252 - September 9: Covid? Not on this full boat!
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Nine
I’ve noticed a pattern with these monthly summary blogposts where I start many of them with how much of the year is now over, so I guess I should do the same with this one (consistency and all that ;-)). We've just managed to get through 3 quarters of the year and are now definitely on the home stretch. 2022 can’t come soon enough!
Read MoreJanuary 14 - Orbs
Instagram 365 Project January Wrap-Up
So...it’s now February 2018 and that means I am officially done with the first month of this year’s 365 project and it also means that it is time to look back at the 31 images I uploaded during that month. Just like I did during my 2016 365 Project I’ll pick 5 or 6 images and write a bit about each so there's a little bit more "meat" than just the hashtags I've put on each on my posts to Instagram.
Read MoreShooting graffiti...a new project?
A few days ago I listened to an episode of one of my favorite podcasts, The Candid Frame, hosted by Ibarionex Perello where he had the photographer Mick Victor as a guest. They talked about his project of photographing graffiti, tags and other decorations and markings on walls close enough to make them more abstracts, and therefore more "arty". I thought that sounded so utterly removed from the street photography that I often do that I just had to give it a go!
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