The year is just started and in some ways it is a “clean slate”. All over the internet I’ve seen people post articles about what they’ve got planned for this year, various projects that they’re starting up, subjects they want to focus on in their photography, and that’s great for them. Personally though I do not have a single project idea at the moment. No upcoming exhibition, no book project and not even a single trip planned. In previous years I’ve done lots of posts in late December or early January proclaiming what I have planned for the new year, or what I hope to do, but other than the 365 projects I did for a few years in the 2010s I rarely finished, let alone started, many of those projects.
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…and up you go! (Malmö, Sweden, 2024)
New year...what will that mean?
It’s been close to a month since I came home from my Christmas and New Year’s trip to the United States and my extended family over there. A lovely time was had and a few pictures were taken, but nothing I am going to share on this blog…family pictures can stay just that - family pictures - and not be shared with the world. That has also been the approach I have taken with my postings on social media in the last several months…not as frequent as before, mostly because I don’t think all my photos need to be seen, not even the ones I happen to be happy with.
Read MoreDay 356 - December 22: Skyline
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Twelve
This blog has been silent for quite some time, and that has a medical and a travel reason. However, now that I am back home again and healthier (yep, like so many I came down with the infamous Corona virus) I am going to get back to posting to this site, including the remaining summaries of my 2021 edition of my 365 projects, both of December and the whole year.
Read MoreDay 137 - May 17: Technicolor Tulips
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Five
The weather is warm, the days are long and the colors are plentiful. Early summer is here after a long and cold spring where we’ve all been waiting for the slow return to normalcy. For me personally it feels a lot better to be able to be out and about taking photos of things when there’s long afternoons to make use of, and even better that I’ve been able to get the first vaccine dose at long last, with the second planned for early July. There’s light at the end of the tunnel…and it’s not likely to be an oncoming train!
Read MoreDay 96 - April 6: Picnic before the snow came back
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Four
One third of the year is done and it feels we are still in the same holding pattern we’ve been in since March of 2020, waiting for the light in the tunnel. Thankfully the weather is getting better, the days are getting longer, there’s more green and other colors out there and allergies are kicking in (that last bit isn’t positive, but at least it’s an indication that spring is here…this year I’ll take that as an almost good thing!). Also, vaccines are being administered to more and more people…which is the most important thing!
Read MoreDay 90 - March 31: Season’s First
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Three
One fourth of the year is now done and over and things feel a bit more cheerful than they did a month ago at the end of February. I don’t know if it is the longer days, the warmer temperatures or the fact that vaccines are finally being distributed in larger and larger numbers…or a combination of all those things. My guess is that it is the combo! Anywho…time again for a blog post with some thoughts about a few of the pictures I uploaded for my 365 project, this time for the month of March.
Read MoreJanuary 28 - Stormy Waves
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month One
“So here I am once more…”
Those are the first words from a song by my long time favorites Marillion and they seem pretty apt (although the actual song is about something entirely different) to use for the first summary of the year’s 365 project. I didn’t do any summaries last year, unlike previous 365 years and I found that missed doing them. They provided a nice end to one part of the project and a chance to think about the progress so far.
Read MoreDay 322 - November 22: Boulders at the coast
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Eleventh Month Summary
It is time for my last but one summary of this year’s 365 project and I think it’s been the easiest one of them all, mostly because I’ve allowed myself to include images from all my photographic devices; be it analog, digital or mobile cameras. That way I didn’t limit the type of picture that I could include. If I decided to my 5th 365 project next year I will definitely apply the same rules to it then. I’ve not decided yet…that’s what December is for!
Read MoreGood to have fellow club members as “photo models”! ;-)
Photo Club outing to Klagshamn
One of the benefits of being in a photo club is the different outings we go on, to places you probably wouldn’t have either discovered and/or gone to on your own. This weekend I went to the small village called Klagshamn south of Malmö with a few of the other club members. One of us live there, so he provided a very enjoyable and interesting stream of facts about the place and its industrial history as a place where A LOT of limestone had been quarried and processed into quicklime.
Read MoreDay 137 - Sea Rescue Boat returning to port
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Fifth Month Summary
Five months gone already? Really? This year is proceeding fast. Just one month to go to the halfway point, and then it’s all downhill from there. Well, if this had been a hill climb it might be, but it’s not, so I’ll refrain from more analogies I think. Anywho…I am glad that we’re into the sixth month of the year, because it’s warm(ish) outside and there’s a lot of daylight (too much of it according to certain Texan people I know I am sure!). I like it though, because it gives me more time to shoot during the days.
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