Last weekend my constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) and I drove north to try to get to Söderåsen National Park to get some fall color photography before all those colors are gone, but after the hour’s drive north and reaching the parking area at our intended destination we couldn’t find a single free space. What to do? Where to go?
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Taking my camera for a walk again...
Once again I found myself in my usual little woodland area, not too far from my home, namely Skryllegården, just outside Lund, Sweden. I had gone there more for the fresh air and a bit of a leg stretch along the 3 kilometer jogging/walking path, but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t bring my camera! So pictures were of course taken…and they are now shared on this blog.
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For those who are used to seeing my often high-contrasty black and white street photography this blogpost might be a bit out of the ordinary, but I too sometimes crave colors! When the skies were clear, the winds low and there was a hint of warm late summer warmth in the air I decided to drive over to the park and gardens at Alnarp Agricultural University outside Malmö, Sweden. There I could see that there were still plenty of colors to be seen, and I was able to capture some of that in these images. There is an abundance of different flower and plant varieties, and I am not able to identify a single one. That is okay with me though; they’re pretty to look at and that is enough for me! Pretty is good!
Read MoreThe sun was back...for a few hours at least!
The forecast was for a Saturday of potential sunshine, so given that November often is about as dark and dreary as it can be here in southern Sweden I decided to head into central Malmö to enjoy the streets for a few hours in good (hopefully anyway) light, fit for some street photography.
Read MoreA rare moment of sunshine in central Malmö, Sweden
Hello darkness my old friend...
It is Halloween (October 31st) when I write this and we are now in the period of the year when my photography usually takes a sharp drop in frequency. The daylight is getting shorter and shorter in these northern parts of the world - especially so after Daylight Saving Time is over - and frankly the stuff out there I want to take pictures of get less and less interesting. Foliage is rapidly falling off their branches and the all too frequent rainy and cloudy weather takes away many of the interesting shadows and potential light situations.
Read MoreSo many colors!
Just like it does every year fall arrives in this part of the world at this time of year, and every year I am out there trying to catch some of the spectacular colors. Although I must admit that after the last few years doing A LOT of landscapes rather than street photography for social distancing reasons my heart hasn’t really been into it as much this year. But, after a lot of rain and crappy weather in the last few weeks, I saw the sunshine outside and thought I could really do with some fall colors today!
Read MoreDay 313 - November 9: Golden Leaves
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Eleven
The eleventh month of the year was one of lots of fall colors, but also a lot of rain, gray skies and increasing darkness. It’s usually a bit tricky to shoot during this month, because once the daylight saving time is over it gets dark pretty early in these quite northerly latitudes, which makes photography a bit difficult if you’re not using artificial lights…which I don’t…not yet anyway…perhaps that is something to strive for in 2022? We’ll see!
Read MoreDay 283 - October 10: Color Explosion
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Ten
The fall color season hit us with a vengeance this year, bringing out the yellows, reds and browns with full force. I hadn’t really been out all that much shooting those colors for a few years, because I felt that I’d done it already and I was just trying to re-heat a souffle. This year though I guess I had been “away” from that sort of photography enough that it felt somewhat new and interesting again. Hence October of 2021 had lots of fall colors among my 365 images.
Read MoreGoing up!
New gear at the train station
There is a certain excitement for a photography nerd when there’s new gear around - although in my case the new gear I’ve acquired in the last few year has been OLD gear - in the shape of analog cameras. Last year I got myself a Kiev 60 medium format camera and that was a fun piece of (to me) new old tech to have a go at, shooting those lovely large 6 x 6 cm negatives. I’ve enjoyed exploring 135 format film photography too with various cameras. However, I’ve been feeling that my 2011 Canon 600D DSLR has been used less and less, because the low-light capabilities felt lacking. Also, the size of it was beginning to be a problem for my more and more achy hands (which is a bit ironic, given that when I got that Canon camera I felt I needed to add a battery grip to let my hands grab it properly).
Read MorePanorama from Alnarp, with some of the photowalk participants...
Fall colors in the park
After a week full of photo club events and two one-day exhibitions where I had pictures on display, today has been a blissfully laid back Sunday. Even though for a few moments the sun showed up, I didn't feel the urge to go out there, camera in hand. Instead I took some time to go through and edit photos from two weekends ago when I was part of a Facebook photo group photowalk to the gardens around the Alnarp Agricultural University.
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