The fall color season hit us with a vengeance this year, bringing out the yellows, reds and browns with full force. I hadn’t really been out all that much shooting those colors for a few years, because I felt that I’d done it already and I was just trying to re-heat a souffle. This year though I guess I had been “away” from that sort of photography enough that it felt somewhat new and interesting again. Hence October of 2021 had lots of fall colors among my 365 images.
The title image of this post is absolutely an example of these colors. It was taken at Alnarp Agricultural University, in their delightful park/gardens. It’s a place that is good for interesting scenes at all times of year, but perhaps especially now during fall, when some trees are still green while others slip into their late-season “garb”.
Day 278 - October 5: Little Shoppers
I haven’t done anywhere near as much street photography in 2021 as I hoped I would do at the start of the year, but this is an example of it. I was in central Malmö, Sweden on an errand and had brought my camera with me…just in case. Even though I tend to be careful about taking pictures of kids in public (at least without explicit permission from adults in their company), I just couldn’t refrain from taking a photo of these three, mostly because the smallest kid was so adamant about carrying her own bag into the convenience store.
Day 280 - October 7: In the sky below
Sometimes it is fun to play with perspectives; to try to confuse the viewer for a few moments. This is one of those images, where the magnificent sky is actually not the sky but a reflection of it in the very calm waters of Lomma Harbor, just outside Malmö, Sweden. It is pretty rare for the water to be this still, but on this day it looked very pretty. This is also a case where the cellphone image (which this is) is actually better than the version I took with my regular camera. That’s not always the case…but here it was.
Day 286 - October 13: Last ride of the season
Technically I don’t know if that WAS the last ride of the summer season for the operator of the boat, but it certainly felt that way with many other boat owners being busy winterizing their boats in the harbor at Lomma, Sweden. I am not a boat person at all - I prefer to stay on terra firma - but I do enjoy taking pictures of harbors and the shapes that boats gives us. They make for interesting lines, contrasts and well…shapes.
Day 290 - October 17: Tell the trees your stories
Every once in a while you come across a scene that makes you wonder what the story is. Or in this case - stories. These paper notes strung between the trees were covered in children’s drawings and it made me think that the children were letting the trees know their wishes and dreams. At least that was MY story from seeing this in the woods at Torup, outside Malmö, Sweden.
Day 303 - October 30: Photographers in the wild
One of the best parts of being on the board of the my photography club, apart from the friendships formed through the years, is the annual photography weekend we do together (at least during a normal year…last year we had to postpone it). This year though, we were able to go to the Röstånga area, about an hour north of where I live for some good photography, good food and a lot of good time together. In this picture, Kenneth and Sussi discuss Kenneth’s homemade pinhole camera by the shore of the Odensjön area, while the fall colors decorate the background.