For many years going across the waters to Denmark to experience and photograph the St.Patrick’s Day celebrations in Copenhagen was an annual ritual for me, a marker that spring was approaching, and that warmer weather wasn’t far off in the distance. During the pandemic that was obviously suspended and only came back last year, on a slightly smaller scale. This year though it was fully back in my opinion. So it was a delight to photograph and enjoy together with my fellow photographers from the photo club. I did NOT expect there to be 10 of us going across the water (last year we were only 2), but the more the merrier!
Read MoreThree-Legged Race
Green for a day...again!
It’s been three years since the last time the Irish and the wanna-be-Irish-for-a-day in Copenhagen could celebrate March 17th, a.k.a. St.Patrick’s Day, but this year it was once again possible to gather to dress up in various shades of green, white and orange (but mostly green).
Read MorePaddy's Day was cold this year!
in Events, Photography

As has become tradition for me over the last couple of years I went to Copenhagen on March 17th to photograph the celebrations on St:Patrick's Day.
Unlike last year's celebrations it was pretty cold and rather rainy this year. That was okay least it wasn't snowing!
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