I’ve recently come home from an absolutely amazing vacation to Texas where I got to see and photograph some pretty outstanding things (the total eclipse, the Texas spring wildflower explosion and the indescribably fascinating desert at Big Bend National Park to name just a few). I will share stuff from this trip eventually of course, but it’ll take awhile to go through the 2,000+ exposures so that will have to wait. In the meantime I will share this brief one day little outing to the nearby Dalby Söderskog National Park, Sweden, where I took a short (about 2.5 hours or so) walk through the woods, capturing the last few spring flowers still showing off their white hats before the trees’ canopies of leaves block them from the sunlight.
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Late Summer Colors
Seeing and photographing vibrant colors does well for a mostly black-and-white street photographer sometimes! That’s why I’m glad I spent a few hours on a nice Sunday outing to go the Alnarp Agricultural University, outside Malmö, Sweden. I’ve been there so many times through the years but I still find things to photograph, since each time they have some new plant or flower on display.
Read MoreA stroll along the water
It is a nice feeling to know that you don’t have to travel to an exotic location to end up with a lovely group of pictures…sometimes it is enough to look in your local area and you can find something nice. In this case the area around Höje River just on the outskirts of the city of Lund. The city in their wisdom has decided to preserve the area around the river from development and it is such a nice experience to walk along the water, take in the scenery and hear the birds sing.
Read MoreGreen, Green, Green!
For many years going across the waters to Denmark to experience and photograph the St.Patrick’s Day celebrations in Copenhagen was an annual ritual for me, a marker that spring was approaching, and that warmer weather wasn’t far off in the distance. During the pandemic that was obviously suspended and only came back last year, on a slightly smaller scale. This year though it was fully back in my opinion. So it was a delight to photograph and enjoy together with my fellow photographers from the photo club. I did NOT expect there to be 10 of us going across the water (last year we were only 2), but the more the merrier!
Read MoreSo many colors!
Just like it does every year fall arrives in this part of the world at this time of year, and every year I am out there trying to catch some of the spectacular colors. Although I must admit that after the last few years doing A LOT of landscapes rather than street photography for social distancing reasons my heart hasn’t really been into it as much this year. But, after a lot of rain and crappy weather in the last few weeks, I saw the sunshine outside and thought I could really do with some fall colors today!
Read MoreGreen for a day...again!
It’s been three years since the last time the Irish and the wanna-be-Irish-for-a-day in Copenhagen could celebrate March 17th, a.k.a. St.Patrick’s Day, but this year it was once again possible to gather to dress up in various shades of green, white and orange (but mostly green).
Read MoreBack from the winter blues
This part of the year usually means a lull in my photography; the weather is often just gray, gray, gray and the short hours of daylight makes tricky to get out there at all with a camera. So inspiration and urge to get out there (or update this blog for that matter) is often not just there. It’s my “winter blues” period I suppose. That tends to happen even when the weather is unusually mild like this year (“thanks” to global warming I suppose).
Read MoreWet and green...again!
This will be the second week in a row I upload a blogpost full of images of green plants and trees…and wetness, but this is in a completely different location from last week. I was planning on doing a wrap-up post for 2019 as a whole and my 365 project in particular, but I am not quite done with that text, so I’ll postpone that until next week, and upload these pictures that I took today. Can’t get any fresher than that, can you?
Read MoreWet, wet, wet in the woods
This will be the final blogpost of 2019 (given that it’s the day before New Year’s Eve it is very unlikely I will write another one before midnight tomorrow ;-)), but I am not going to summarize the year this time around. I’ll probably do that with next week’s post, given that by then I will have finished my 365 project for this year. That’ll be a good time for a wrap-up, both for December as well as for 2019.
Read MoreFlag Day at the SAS Radisson Hotel in Copenhagen
Green day in Copenhagen
Second week in a row with digital images from me…which is kind of rare for me these days. Don’t worry though, I haven’t abandoned my analog gear in any sort of way, it’s just that this week’s images would most likely NOT look as interesting in black and white!
I’ve been coming to the St:Patrick’s Day celebrations in Copenhagen for several years to photograph the antics and hijinks of the revelers, and this year I got 7 of my fellow photo club shooters to come along. Everyone seemed to have a good time, even if the winds made the day a sometimes very chilled experience. At least we didn’t have any rain (unlike last time I was there in 2017 when there was quite the downpour).
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