On March 2 I took my Fujifilm XT-3 and a 35 mm lens with me to the monthly photographers’ get-together in Malmö, Sweden where we fill our bellies with various delicacies on offer at the Coffee Square restaurant (I strongly recommend it to anyone in the vicinity!) and then we do a little stroll together for an hour…and sometimes a bit longer. It’s a very nice way to see old friends and geek out about photography and whatever else we can come up with to talk about. And eat some good food…which I’ve already mentioned I suppose…moving on!
Read Morephotowalk
Colors by the lake
Last weekend my constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) and I drove north to try to get to Söderåsen National Park to get some fall color photography before all those colors are gone, but after the hour’s drive north and reaching the parking area at our intended destination we couldn’t find a single free space. What to do? Where to go?
Read MoreEarly fall at the mansion
It’s been quite some times since my last uploaded post to this blog, mostly since I’ve been “buried” behind a screen with an ongoing book project and some other things lately. My photographic output has been quite low, and not really worth making a full blog post about. Now though I do have a bunch of pictures that together are worth uploading.
It was a lovely Sunday and the sun was shining from a nearly flawless blue sky with warm enough weather to leave the house with no jacket on. I figured I could do with a bit of a photographic as well as physical exercise so on the way to the Svaneholm mansion I grabbed my constant photo buddy (a.k.a. Dad) and off we went.
A little group think at Triangeln in Malmö
There's images out in them streets!
So far 2024 has been a very low-volume year for me when it comes to photography. I guess I hit that mid-winter slump that usually strikes when the light is almost non-existent and the weather seems determined to be the worst it possibly can be. So I am okay with there being a lull now and then (I’ve written about it several times before in this blog so I won’t dwell on it in this post. That was why I decided to hop on a bus into the center of Malmö for a stroll down my usual “hunting ground” in the downtown area.
Read MoreFirst photos of the year
Last weekend was the first outing with a camera for 2023 and I went to my usual monthly Photographers' Brunch in Malmö, Sweden. We're a group of 10-20 photographers that meet up for a Sunday morning brunch followed by a slow stroll through the streets with our cameras, ready to take a picture or two.
Read MoreDay 207 - July 26: City Serenade
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Seven
It’s a new month again, so therefore I have a summary post for the previous month, the seventh one for the year. We are just done with the month of July and as often is the case in Sweden we’ve had a mixed bag of weather, from sweltering heatwaves to enormous downpours with lightning shooting across the skies.
Read MoreThree of my fellow photowalkers taking in the scene
Back in "business"...or are we?
This last weekend I did my first in-person photographers’ brunch and photowalk in 18 months. I’ve been very careful about not doing anything like that until I’d had my two shots so when I passed the two week wait period after my second Pfizer shot I thought “okay, I guess I am free to do this thing now”. I must admit I felt both joy as well as trepidation about doing this sort of thing again after so long of being a social recluse (sort of anyway).
Read MoreDay 153 - June 2: Finding Tadpoles
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Six
Half a year has gone by since I snapped the first image in this project and now we’re in the home stretch! Just over 180 images have been uploaded to my Instagram account and here on my site from January 1 to June 30th and I am pretty content with the stuff I’ve shared so far.
Read MoreThis kid was sensible, sitting in the shade. The rest of us…not so much!
Street photography again...I'm so rusty!
For the duration of the pandemic I’ve stayed away from one of my favorite types of photography…street photography. I’ve always enjoyed walking around city streets, camera at the ready to capture something interesting that people do in an urban setting…not so much during 2020 and 2021 so far, because of obvious reasons. In fact I’ve only done three or four walks in a major city, camera in hand since March of 2020 and I miss it! Now though, as more and more people get both shots of the vaccine I think I will do more of my favorite type of photography!
Read MoreReturning again and again to a location
Most of 2020 and the start of 2021 has meant an ongoing “hunt” for places nearby where people aren’t likely to be too abundant (because other people are dangerous etc…) so I have found myself going back to certain locations several times since the start of the pandemic, camera in hand.
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