This part of the year usually means a lull in my photography; the weather is often just gray, gray, gray and the short hours of daylight makes tricky to get out there at all with a camera. So inspiration and urge to get out there (or update this blog for that matter) is often not just there. It’s my “winter blues” period I suppose. That tends to happen even when the weather is unusually mild like this year (“thanks” to global warming I suppose).
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Fall colors are here again
Each year, just before the weather and lack of light turns conditions here decidedly unfriendly towards photography we get a little burst of color from nature, free of charge. All we have to do is get to a place where you have access to vegetation and it’s often an abundance of colors for you to try to portray. This year I’ve done A LOT of black and white analog photography (much of it shared here on the blog), so I figured I needed to have a bit of variety in my photography so out I went. I picked the gardens and park of the nearby Alnarp agricultural university, a place I knew would provide lots of colors (although it’s always a bit of a lottery how many leaves are left on the trees by the time you head out there).
Read MoreYellow and blue...clearly it's a Swedish meadow! ;-)
Everything is so vibrant!
As much as I've been shooting black and white analog stuff this year (of which I've developed some but not yet scanned them) it's hard to deny that outside the window the colors are pretty much as vibrant as they're going to be...until the fall colors descend upon us in a few months' time.
Read MorePanorama from Alnarp, with some of the photowalk participants...
Fall colors in the park
After a week full of photo club events and two one-day exhibitions where I had pictures on display, today has been a blissfully laid back Sunday. Even though for a few moments the sun showed up, I didn't feel the urge to go out there, camera in hand. Instead I took some time to go through and edit photos from two weekends ago when I was part of a Facebook photo group photowalk to the gardens around the Alnarp Agricultural University.
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It's that time of the year again, when pretty much everything green in nature is turning yellow, red or brown and it's pretty much a photographer's "duty" to be out there to take pictures of the abundance of colors! I've certainly done my fair share of fall colors photos in the past, but there's always room for a bit more.
These pictures are from one of the parks (and cemetery) in Malmö, Sweden where the colors certainly were pretty and people were out enjoying the scenery!
Read MoreHe landed safely much further down than I thought he would.
Park Life
It's almost the middle of September and fall is definitely upon us. With cold mornings and that almost crisp air when the skies are clear. I don't mind, although I wish we'd had one of those long-lasting heatwaves that just settles for awhile this summer. But then again, it's Sweden we're talking about, so heatwaves are not too common!
Still...park life happens at all times of the year, fall, winter, spring OR summer, and the images in this blog post are all taken in and around Pildammsparken on a late afternoon in September 2015.
Read MoreSakura in Copenhagen
Sometimes I wonder how many times you have to do something for it to become a tradition. Two? Three? More? Anyway...this weekend marked my fourth time visiting the Sakura festival in Copenhagen, Denmark to photograph the blossoming cherry trees, the performances and mostly the people visiting the festival.
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