For those who are used to seeing my often high-contrasty black and white street photography this blogpost might be a bit out of the ordinary, but I too sometimes crave colors! When the skies were clear, the winds low and there was a hint of warm late summer warmth in the air I decided to drive over to the park and gardens at Alnarp Agricultural University outside Malmö, Sweden. There I could see that there were still plenty of colors to be seen, and I was able to capture some of that in these images. There is an abundance of different flower and plant varieties, and I am not able to identify a single one. That is okay with me though; they’re pretty to look at and that is enough for me! Pretty is good!
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Blue skies above Övedskloster
Light is returning
It is not exactly a world-shattering piece of news that when the calendar turns from February to March to April the days get longer and the light returns. This year though it feels different; it feels more important to notice the light coming back, because it signifies a symbolic return to normal…eventually. It is nature’s promise that even though the winter was bleak there is lighter times ahead. So I enjoy being outdoors seeing that the light is back here again with us!
Read MoreVivid spring colors in pandemic times
It’s a confusing time period in the world at the moment, where we’re not supposed to do anything outside the house (preferably), and definitely not interact with other people if we can avoid it. Yet, the sun did decide to return to us here in the northern hemisphere after all and the vibrant green of the returning leaves beckons us to go out there, cameras in hand.
Read MoreSpring in the air
It is March 4 as I write these words and at long last it feels like this gray winter is on its last leg (which of course means that since I wrote that we’ll have at least one snow fall before it’s all over…jinx!) and I am absolutely glad that daylight is back, both in the morning as well as later and later in the afternoon! A few more weeks and we’re back to Daylight Savings Time which makes for even longer afternoons. Yay!
Read MoreFall colors are here again
Each year, just before the weather and lack of light turns conditions here decidedly unfriendly towards photography we get a little burst of color from nature, free of charge. All we have to do is get to a place where you have access to vegetation and it’s often an abundance of colors for you to try to portray. This year I’ve done A LOT of black and white analog photography (much of it shared here on the blog), so I figured I needed to have a bit of variety in my photography so out I went. I picked the gardens and park of the nearby Alnarp agricultural university, a place I knew would provide lots of colors (although it’s always a bit of a lottery how many leaves are left on the trees by the time you head out there).
Read MorePanorama from Alnarp, with some of the photowalk participants...
Fall colors in the park
After a week full of photo club events and two one-day exhibitions where I had pictures on display, today has been a blissfully laid back Sunday. Even though for a few moments the sun showed up, I didn't feel the urge to go out there, camera in hand. Instead I took some time to go through and edit photos from two weekends ago when I was part of a Facebook photo group photowalk to the gardens around the Alnarp Agricultural University.
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