It is Halloween (October 31st) when I write this and we are now in the period of the year when my photography usually takes a sharp drop in frequency. The daylight is getting shorter and shorter in these northern parts of the world - especially so after Daylight Saving Time is over - and frankly the stuff out there I want to take pictures of get less and less interesting. Foliage is rapidly falling off their branches and the all too frequent rainy and cloudy weather takes away many of the interesting shadows and potential light situations.
It is perhaps a bit “cheesy” to start a blogpost with a line from a song, but in this case it felt right to do so. And for the record I really like both the original Simon & Garfunkel version, the Pentatonix version and especially the one that Disturbed does. So I’m okay with using that line! :-)
Backlit trees near my photo club in Malmö, Sweden
The good thing in all this doom and gloom is…well, two things really; one is that I am aware of this situation from previous years, so I will not get all depressed about it. It will pass when the light returns, with a small start on December 1 when people start putting up their holiday decorations. That is usually enough to lift the spirits! And if that’s not enough there’s always sweet vanilla tea and cinnamon rolls…right?
The herons are going south over Copenhagen…I think they might be onto something!
And two…tomorrow this year’s edition of National Novel Writing Month starts. I used to do this pretty regularly since 2008, but in the last few years I’ve felt that I didn’t have anything to write about so I sat those ones out. There’s only so much you can do with an empty page in front of you before you say a few words you wouldn’t say in churches and close down your writing software! This year though I think I may actually have something to write about; an idea started to creep into my brain a day or two ago, just in time for the writing challenge to begin. So…50,000 words in a month…1,667 words per day for 30 days straight. I’ve done it before and I am pretty sure I can do it again! And it’ll be something to do while photography takes a bit of a backseat in my creativity.
Skies like these over Copenhagen have been far too rare lately…but I am sure they’ll be back soon!