Just like it does every year fall arrives in this part of the world at this time of year, and every year I am out there trying to catch some of the spectacular colors. Although I must admit that after the last few years doing A LOT of landscapes rather than street photography for social distancing reasons my heart hasn’t really been into it as much this year. But, after a lot of rain and crappy weather in the last few weeks, I saw the sunshine outside and thought I could really do with some fall colors today!
Read Moreyellow
Yellow Gold
This week’s been very busy at work and I’ve had little time to go out and shoot anything, let alone trawl through the archive, so when my dad suggested we head out there today (Sunday) and shoot a little bit I jumped at the opportunity. Right now the rapeseed fields all around us here in the south are in bloom so there’s so much vibrant yellow that it almost feels surreal to see it…especially combined with a clear blue sky there’s a certain Swedishness to it. ;-)
Read MorePanorama from Alnarp, with some of the photowalk participants...
Fall colors in the park
After a week full of photo club events and two one-day exhibitions where I had pictures on display, today has been a blissfully laid back Sunday. Even though for a few moments the sun showed up, I didn't feel the urge to go out there, camera in hand. Instead I took some time to go through and edit photos from two weekends ago when I was part of a Facebook photo group photowalk to the gardens around the Alnarp Agricultural University.
Read MoreIt's gray in November...
During the month of November it generally is very gray and dark in Sweden, so it's perfectly timed to participate in NaNoWriMo, since it is not exactly photography weather most of the time. However, if you sit in front of your computer day in, day out you're eventually going to go bonkers (at least I think I would), so I've still been outside, if only to get a bit of grayish daylight into my eyes.
Of course I bring my camera too (I wouldn't be me otherwise), but there still hasn't been much photography this month. Here are a few of the fall-related pictures I've taken this month though, just within a mile or so from where I live.
They're all taken with my Canon 600d and a 50 mm 1.8 lens (since my zoom lens has been in the repair shop for a large part of the month), and I find it intriguing to try to take the shots with a fixed focus lens sometimes. It makes you zoom with your feet, so you get a workout on top of getting your images (albeit a very small workout!). They've been processed in Adobe Lightroom 3, where I've increased contrasts and color to make them "pop" better on screen.