For those who are used to seeing my often high-contrasty black and white street photography this blogpost might be a bit out of the ordinary, but I too sometimes crave colors! When the skies were clear, the winds low and there was a hint of warm late summer warmth in the air I decided to drive over to the park and gardens at Alnarp Agricultural University outside Malmö, Sweden. There I could see that there were still plenty of colors to be seen, and I was able to capture some of that in these images. There is an abundance of different flower and plant varieties, and I am not able to identify a single one. That is okay with me though; they’re pretty to look at and that is enough for me! Pretty is good!
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Here comes the Pride parade!
Taking a bus to the center of Malmö to photograph and show support for the annual Pride parade has become a part of the summer “ritual” for me in the last ten years or so (Covid years excluded of course) and it’s always fun! For a street photographer who often converts his photos to black and white it is also a welcome change in the photos into all colors of the rainbow (and then some!). As I always write though, it’s not just a celebration of everyone’s right to self-expression and love, it is also a protest and a show of strength and unity. I like seeing that!
Read MoreLate Summer Colors
Seeing and photographing vibrant colors does well for a mostly black-and-white street photographer sometimes! That’s why I’m glad I spent a few hours on a nice Sunday outing to go the Alnarp Agricultural University, outside Malmö, Sweden. I’ve been there so many times through the years but I still find things to photograph, since each time they have some new plant or flower on display.
Read MoreNight Photography Walk
One of the things I don't do nearly enough of is night photography, or low light photography in general. Mostly because it can be cumbersome to schlepp a tripod around, setting it up and waiting for the long exposures to finish...but when it is done right it looks pretty darn good!
Read MoreOctober 12 - Day 286: Fall Color Explosion
The 365 Project - October Wrap-Up
Once again it's time to do a monthly wrap-up on my yearlong photo project. This was the tenth month in a row of taking, editing and posting an image every day via Instagram. This month also meant I passed the completely arbitrary, but still somewhat impressive, 300th image of the year. As before I've picked 5 images plus a "cover" to write a bit more about them.
Read MoreHanging out with other photographers
One of the things I enjoy about photography and social media is the interaction, online as well as in real life...because let's face it - tapping away on your keyboard is interaction to a certain extent, but to have face to face conversations with other photographers is a lot more fun!
That is why I try to take part in as many photowalks as I can with the Facebook group I'm a member of, to talk to and interact with other photographers. To be perfectly honest, to take the "best ever" photos during these events is never my goal, because I think you'll have to have a bit more of a solitary time to get your best work done, to be "alone" with your camera.
Read MoreA Day at the Sea
As the temperature slowly increases and the days grow longer it gets nicer and nicer to be out and about in the "wild", especially when you don't have to wear all the winter gear! This week's blog post has pictures from Falsterbo in the far southwestern corner of the province, where I along with a few others were enjoying the sunshine, warm(ish) weather and relatively calm winds
Read MoreShooting graffiti...a new project?
A few days ago I listened to an episode of one of my favorite podcasts, The Candid Frame, hosted by Ibarionex Perello where he had the photographer Mick Victor as a guest. They talked about his project of photographing graffiti, tags and other decorations and markings on walls close enough to make them more abstracts, and therefore more "arty". I thought that sounded so utterly removed from the street photography that I often do that I just had to give it a go!
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