Last weekend my constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) and I drove north to try to get to Söderåsen National Park to get some fall color photography before all those colors are gone, but after the hour’s drive north and reaching the parking area at our intended destination we couldn’t find a single free space. What to do? Where to go?
Read Moreautumn
The sun was back...for a few hours at least!
The forecast was for a Saturday of potential sunshine, so given that November often is about as dark and dreary as it can be here in southern Sweden I decided to head into central Malmö to enjoy the streets for a few hours in good (hopefully anyway) light, fit for some street photography.
Read MoreGoing up!
New gear at the train station
There is a certain excitement for a photography nerd when there’s new gear around - although in my case the new gear I’ve acquired in the last few year has been OLD gear - in the shape of analog cameras. Last year I got myself a Kiev 60 medium format camera and that was a fun piece of (to me) new old tech to have a go at, shooting those lovely large 6 x 6 cm negatives. I’ve enjoyed exploring 135 format film photography too with various cameras. However, I’ve been feeling that my 2011 Canon 600D DSLR has been used less and less, because the low-light capabilities felt lacking. Also, the size of it was beginning to be a problem for my more and more achy hands (which is a bit ironic, given that when I got that Canon camera I felt I needed to add a battery grip to let my hands grab it properly).
Read MoreFall colors are here again
Each year, just before the weather and lack of light turns conditions here decidedly unfriendly towards photography we get a little burst of color from nature, free of charge. All we have to do is get to a place where you have access to vegetation and it’s often an abundance of colors for you to try to portray. This year I’ve done A LOT of black and white analog photography (much of it shared here on the blog), so I figured I needed to have a bit of variety in my photography so out I went. I picked the gardens and park of the nearby Alnarp agricultural university, a place I knew would provide lots of colors (although it’s always a bit of a lottery how many leaves are left on the trees by the time you head out there).
Read MoreÖrestad Concrete and Colors
Outside my window the snow is falling and the lawns below are slowly getting more and more covered in white, making for a very monotone landscape. The images in today's post (taken at the beginning of the month) are also quite monotone in nature, apart from some very bright color splashes here and there.
Read MoreA DSLR free week?
There are few weeks when I've not taken a single picture with my trusty Canon DSLR, but this has been one of those. The weather has simply been...well...November is a good way to describe it. And Swedish November at that...which means seriously crappy light for photography! Also, it's NaNoWriMo now, that month of the year when writing takes center stage for me, which means I don't mind leaving the big camera in the backpack for a bit!
Read MoreA photographic "shoot-out" between generations....
October in the City
Today's post is images from a photowalk I did at the end of October in Malmö, Sweden with a local photography group on Facebook. It was fun to do, and it's always cool to do those with new people, to enjoy the social aspect of photography.
Read MoreFall Colors in the Park
It's that time of the year again, when pretty much everything green in nature is turning yellow, red or brown and it's pretty much a photographer's "duty" to be out there to take pictures of the abundance of colors! I've certainly done my fair share of fall colors photos in the past, but there's always room for a bit more.
These pictures are from one of the parks (and cemetery) in Malmö, Sweden where the colors certainly were pretty and people were out enjoying the scenery!
Read MoreA Brief Moment of Street Photography
I took a brief walk in Malmö the other day to get my photography back in gear after a bit of a bout with a cold and while I didn't walk for very long I got a few shots that I'm okay with sharing. Fall is definitely upon us, and people have begun to switch out their colorful summer wardrobe for more somber colors. Still a few weeks to go though before we all descend into Ingmar Bergman territory, wardrobe-wise, so best to make the most of it!
It's interesting to see that there are a lot of people out and about walking around with guide books and maps in Malmö, to an extent that I didn't see just a few years ago. Lots of tourists must do wonders for the hotel and restaurant businesses!
Swedes love their phones...some seem unable to leave them be for even the briefest of moments.... (I should know...I'm one of those people, even though I'm working on leaving the thing in my pocket more).
Sometimes though a face to face conversation is just better than using our phones!