Last weekend my constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) and I drove north to try to get to Söderåsen National Park to get some fall color photography before all those colors are gone, but after the hour’s drive north and reaching the parking area at our intended destination we couldn’t find a single free space. What to do? Where to go?
Then I remembered that I’d been to a nearby nature reserve a few years ago with my fellow photo club members right around this time of year and seen some gorgeous colors then too. So we went back the same way we came a few miles to the Nackarpsdalen area.
After walking past a pasture where some cows were grazing on the last bit of grass of the season we reached Odensjön, a very clear lake fed by natural springs far below the surface. The colors were more muted than when I was there three years ago, but that was mostly due to the dappled light we received from the hazy sky above. I liked this light too; it took away the harsh shadows and contrasts we’d see otherwise!
It sort of looks like a creature of the fairy tale forest is there watching us walk through the woods…