Once again I found myself in my usual little woodland area, not too far from my home, namely Skryllegården, just outside Lund, Sweden. I had gone there more for the fresh air and a bit of a leg stretch along the 3 kilometer jogging/walking path, but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t bring my camera! So pictures were of course taken…and they are now shared on this blog.
Read Moreskrylle
January 28 - Stormy Waves
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month One
“So here I am once more…”
Those are the first words from a song by my long time favorites Marillion and they seem pretty apt (although the actual song is about something entirely different) to use for the first summary of the year’s 365 project. I didn’t do any summaries last year, unlike previous 365 years and I found that missed doing them. They provided a nice end to one part of the project and a chance to think about the progress so far.
Read MoreRidiculously wide images...part three
Two weeks since my last blog entry, and I will put that down to a certain lack of enthusiasm that probably comes from the social distancing that I’ve had to implement, due to people near me being in the risk categories. So, there’s been no street photography for me for quite a long time now and I must say I miss it! But I’d miss my loved ones more and I would definitely NOT want to catch something from someone out in the city and pass it to them! So, no street photography for me for awhile further…I’ll stick with nature shots and places where it’s possible to stay a good way away from other people.
Read MoreBack from the winter blues
This part of the year usually means a lull in my photography; the weather is often just gray, gray, gray and the short hours of daylight makes tricky to get out there at all with a camera. So inspiration and urge to get out there (or update this blog for that matter) is often not just there. It’s my “winter blues” period I suppose. That tends to happen even when the weather is unusually mild like this year (“thanks” to global warming I suppose).
Read MoreWet, wet, wet in the woods
This will be the final blogpost of 2019 (given that it’s the day before New Year’s Eve it is very unlikely I will write another one before midnight tomorrow ;-)), but I am not going to summarize the year this time around. I’ll probably do that with next week’s post, given that by then I will have finished my 365 project for this year. That’ll be a good time for a wrap-up, both for December as well as for 2019.
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