For the last almost 40 years (minus the Covid years) there’s been a city festival in Malmö, Sweden during the first half of August, and this year was not an exception. For a week (Friday to Friday) the city is full of concerts, food trucks, cultural events and lots and lots of market stalls selling all kinds of (mostly unnecessary) things. So of course I had to take a bus into the center of the city to photograph at this event.
Read Moresunshine
This would be way too cold for me! Good thing they wore waders and lots of layers!
So nice to be out by the seaside!
This winter it has been rare to see shadows on the ground when you wake up in the morning; it has been a VERY dark and wet season…either lots of snow and ice or more common around here…rain, rain and more rain! Therefore I jumped at the chance to get some photos taken with shadows in them and to get a bit of fresh air as well…without having to tote an umbrella around.
Read MoreAnalog days are here again
Ever since the modern plague descended upon us in 2020 I’ve put one aspect of my photography on the back burner, namely analog photography. It wasn’t an intentional choice in any way, in fact it was something that dawned on me several months into it. “Tomas, you’re not shooting your old film cameras…is that something we want to change?” It turned out that, nope I was fine with letting them and my rolls of film in the fridge be for the time being. Of course I didn’t think we’d still be in pandemic mode (sort of) at the start of 2023, I figured we’d be back to normal long ago!
Read MorePhotography in a new place
As someone who has been out and about in the local area with a camera since around 2000 it is increasingly difficult to find a brand new location within, say half an hour’s drive from home. Therefore it was a bit of a thrill to head out there today when I found a brand new nature preserve not too far from home. The fact that the weather was different from the rain, rain, rain was also adding to the excitement. Not to mention I’ve been under the weather myself for a few days until yesterday so I was eager to go. There was even a faint hint of a blue sky as I stepped out the door to the car…fancy that!
Read MoreSpring is coming...isn't it?
It’s been a bit longer than usual between this post and my previous one (about podcasts) and even longer between this one and my previous photography related post. I think I got hit with the almost annual it’s-winter-and-it’s-too-dark-to-shoot-anything-and-why-am-I-even-bothering-with-this-hobby symptoms. I’m through that now though (I hope), especially with a few sunny days that we’ve had in the last week or so! Of course when I write this first part of the blog post it’s pouring down with rain again, but i guess you can’t have it all (and I am not outside in it, but rather inside, tapping away at my keyboard)!
Read MorePride in Malmö!
This will be my last (probably) blog post with photos I did during my social media hiatus/blackout/absence during the second half of 2018. I do like seeing these warm, lovely, summery photos now in January, because the weather outside is quite…well…Swedish! Lots and lots of colors, smiling people and warm sunlight feels like a very good idea to post right about now!
Read MoreYellow and blue...clearly it's a Swedish meadow! ;-)
Everything is so vibrant!
As much as I've been shooting black and white analog stuff this year (of which I've developed some but not yet scanned them) it's hard to deny that outside the window the colors are pretty much as vibrant as they're going to be...until the fall colors descend upon us in a few months' time.
Read MoreJust after "takeoff"...we're still in a large-ish group....
Walking with photographers
It's been awhile since I wrote on this blog, so I figured it's time to write about the walk I did during the 9th Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk that occurred on October 1st, 2016. This year I took part in the one that happened in Malmö, Sweden (I've done the walk in Copenhagen a few times before).
Read MoreIt's Festival time again!
For the umpteenth time the city of Malmö has had its weeklong festival (a.k.a. Malmöfestivalen) and once again the streets and squares in the center of the city have been full of music, food and people...lots and lots of people!
Read MoreA Day at the Sea
As the temperature slowly increases and the days grow longer it gets nicer and nicer to be out and about in the "wild", especially when you don't have to wear all the winter gear! This week's blog post has pictures from Falsterbo in the far southwestern corner of the province, where I along with a few others were enjoying the sunshine, warm(ish) weather and relatively calm winds
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