For the umpteenth time the city of Malmö has had its weeklong festival (a.k.a. Malmöfestivalen) and once again the streets and squares in the center of the city have been full of music, food and people...lots and lots of people!
Churros for the win! (Although probably not for the dog...)
I've attended many of the festivals through the years (I think this year was the 32nd edition) so I'm pretty used to it by now and that's also why I personally find it a bit difficult to take photos there. It almost feels too familiar to me; the novelty has definitely worn off by now!
I think he may be looking for some Pokemons...
Still, like the street photographer I hope to be I took my DSLR out into the throngs of people to see what I could find. In the end I didn't come home with very many keepers. I'm guessing that is a combination of the aforementioned familiarity with the festival, the sheer number of people strolling through my compositions and also my new Black Rapid camera strap that was generously donated to me by Claes Jonsson, a fellow member of my photo club.
With this strap, worn bandolier style over the shoulder it's a much comfier carrying style, with the weight off my neck, but it's also a bit longer a process to "draw" your camera to your eye, snap the photo and then release it back into its position on your hip. I'm not saying it is a bad thing, quite the contrary, because with it I think I'll take fewer and better photos (one can hope so at least!).
Sometimes you spot someone and you can't help wondering what's going on....
Hide and seek!
That's all for this year folks! See ya in 2017!