It's been almost two months since I posted anything on this blog and that is definitely too long a gap between posts! I will blame a camera in the repair shop for a few weeks and a general lack of photographic focus, but hopefully now that the machine is back and in working order again I hope I can get back some of the drive to take pictures!
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The mother goose was remarkably patient with us photographers eager to take pics of her chicks!
Photowalking the Malmö parks
This weekend was another one with lots of good time nvolving photography. At first there was the monthly get-together with fellow Facebook group members at a local café, where we spend a few hours hanging out and talking about whatever we come up with, and then I joined an interesting World Wide Instameet get-together for a stroll through the parks of Malmö, while shooting a pic here and there.
Read MoreA Day at the Sea
As the temperature slowly increases and the days grow longer it gets nicer and nicer to be out and about in the "wild", especially when you don't have to wear all the winter gear! This week's blog post has pictures from Falsterbo in the far southwestern corner of the province, where I along with a few others were enjoying the sunshine, warm(ish) weather and relatively calm winds
Read MoreI may have tweaked this image "a bit" in Lightroom to make the sky somewhat more dramatic...
As the river runs
Just south of the city of Lund the river Höje (well more of a creek these days) runs through the fields and narrow woodlands along it. It's also a nice place for a stroll or a jog if you're so inclined. I chose the first of those two options, and captured these photos along the banks of the creek.
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