For the last almost 40 years (minus the Covid years) there’s been a city festival in Malmö, Sweden during the first half of August, and this year was not an exception. For a week (Friday to Friday) the city is full of concerts, food trucks, cultural events and lots and lots of market stalls selling all kinds of (mostly unnecessary) things. So of course I had to take a bus into the center of the city to photograph at this event!
My fellow photo club members congregating in the square before the walk began.
This year it coincided with my photo club’s soft opener for this year’s fall schedule. We decided to do an impromptu and quite unorganized photowalk at the festival and sent the participants out with two potential themes to work from: “Dance” and “Joy”. Of course none of the photographers had to adhere strictly to these themes, but it was interesting to keep an eye out for these motifs while walking around among all the people, carnival rides, food trucks and what nots!
It did get pretty crowded in certain areas so just as a precaution before my tight crowd claustrophobia kicked in I exited the areas where there were the largest crowds (and they were really packed in there in places!). By then I felt I had more than enough images already, so I was pleased with the outing.