Ever since the modern plague descended upon us in 2020 I’ve put one aspect of my photography on the back burner, namely analog photography. It wasn’t an intentional choice in any way, in fact it was something that dawned on me several months into it. “Tomas, you’re not shooting your old film cameras…is that something we want to change?” It turned out that, nope I was fine with letting them and my rolls of film in the fridge be for the time being. Of course I didn’t think we’d still be in pandemic mode (sort of) at the start of 2023, I figured we’d be back to normal long ago!
Read Morecanon 650
Day 232 - August 20: Flag upon flag upon flag
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month Eight
The year is two thirds done and the air has a certain crispness to it at night. No doubt that fall is approaching, but we’ll get to enjoy warm days for a little while longer (hopefully anyway!). The eighth month of the year brought some previous types of photography and locations back to me, topics and places I’ve not had much contact with for the duration of the pandemic, so that was a lot of fun!
Read MoreThis kid was sensible, sitting in the shade. The rest of us…not so much!
Street photography again...I'm so rusty!
For the duration of the pandemic I’ve stayed away from one of my favorite types of photography…street photography. I’ve always enjoyed walking around city streets, camera at the ready to capture something interesting that people do in an urban setting…not so much during 2020 and 2021 so far, because of obvious reasons. In fact I’ve only done three or four walks in a major city, camera in hand since March of 2020 and I miss it! Now though, as more and more people get both shots of the vaccine I think I will do more of my favorite type of photography!
Read MoreDay 224 - August 17: Merry Go Round
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Eighth Month Summary
Wrap-up post number eight of the year and only four to go now before this year’s edition of the 365 idea is done. Yay! It did feel a bit endless there for a while in March when I was on month three, but now it absolutely feels like something I’ll finish, making this my third success out of four tries at this sort of thing. Of course, by saying it like this I’ve no doubt jinxed myself somehow…aw well…shrug
Read MoreShot with the Kiev 60 camera
Festival days, part II
Last blog post I showed some of my digital images from the recently finished Malmö Festival, the annual event held in Malmö, Sweden (for the last 35 years). I took analog shots too during my visits to the event, but I had yet to develop them at the time. I’ve done that now and scanned them as well, so this week’s entry in this blog is all about the analog shots I took, both with my 135 camera (a Canon 650) as well as my 120 camera (a Kiev 60).
Read MoreShooting with a new film stock
Through the 3 years I’ve shot film in earnest I’ve tried a few film stocks, but mostly shot on Fomapan 400, HP5+ or Kodak Tri-X. A little while ago I shot my last roll of Fomapan 400 which meant it was time to get started on the most recent acquisition, my supply of Rollei Retro 400 S, a film stock that I heard about from Ted Vieira when he was a guest on the Negative Positives podcast. I shot a roll of that stock in my medium format camera a while back and enjoyed it so I figured I’d give it a go in my 135 cameras too.
Read MoreDay 137 - Sea Rescue Boat returning to port
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Fifth Month Summary
Five months gone already? Really? This year is proceeding fast. Just one month to go to the halfway point, and then it’s all downhill from there. Well, if this had been a hill climb it might be, but it’s not, so I’ll refrain from more analogies I think. Anywho…I am glad that we’re into the sixth month of the year, because it’s warm(ish) outside and there’s a lot of daylight (too much of it according to certain Texan people I know I am sure!). I like it though, because it gives me more time to shoot during the days.
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