There are certain things that happen annually that with time become markers of where in the year we are (other than for instance Midsummer, which funnily enough is in the middle of…yep…summer). One of these is the Malmö Festival which happens in August, just before the kids go back to school for the fall semester. So in a way it marks the end of summer for us here in the southernmost part of Sweden. It certainly feels that way today as I write this, with rain outside the window and temperatures that barely reach 20 degrees Celsius!
Read MoreEvents
“Let the good times roll!”
Colors, Drums and Sunshine!
A few weekends ago I attended the Landskrona Carnival with the parents who hadn’t been there before (I’ve been before, but not the actual parade part…which was the main reason we went). It turned out to be quite an interesting and entertaining experience, not to mention a challenging one, photography wise.
I had lent my dad my 18-200 mm zoom lens, since his is no longer working, so I was using only my 50 mm on my Canon 600D. Yep, I was shooting digital again…it seems to be something I’ve gotten back to this summer, at least a little bit. No worries though, I am still using my analog gear as well. It’s just that when you expect a boatload of colors and action my black and white analog setup doesn’t really work that well!
Read MoreDance like everyone's watching!
There are photographic outings that are planned far in advance (such as the outing to the Viking markets last weekend), and then there are those that happen very fast and with next to no planning. That was the case this weekend when my dear mother told me at lunch there was a Latino festival in Malmö that day and I thought “cool, that’d be interesting to photograph” and off I went. There’d be a carnival parade too, but given that I had heard about it late I figured I would miss that part (turns out I did), but that was okay. It just felt nice to be out and about with my cameras in the summer sun!
Read MorePride in Malmö!
This will be my last (probably) blog post with photos I did during my social media hiatus/blackout/absence during the second half of 2018. I do like seeing these warm, lovely, summery photos now in January, because the weather outside is quite…well…Swedish! Lots and lots of colors, smiling people and warm sunlight feels like a very good idea to post right about now!
Read MoreViking Summer 2018
For a few years a while back I went to every annual summer Viking market at Foteviken just south of Malmö to take pictures, because as a history nerd I thought it was so cool to see people in (at least somewhat period accurate) Viking costumes, re-enacting the time period. Then I felt I had photographed that to the best of both my abilities as well as my interest (mostly the latter), but in 2018 I thought 'I haven't shot the event with analog equipment, so that might be a new challenge!'
Read MoreCar Nerdery
Unlike many middle-aged men I am not a very car-obsessed person. To me a car is more a means to an end - a way to get from point A to point B, preferably in one piece - than an interest or a hobby. However, I do appreciate cool designs and people who are into a particular interest, because in a way they're the same kind of nerds/geeks that us photographers are...only aimed at another specialty field.
Read MoreSakura aplenty!
Sakura photos with issues...a lot of issues!
One of the frustrating things with analog photography (and actually one of the redeeming qualities too when it works) is that you can't check the back of the screen to see if your exposure is spot on. I find that a good thing often because that makes me focus on the picture taking and being careful with the exposure to begin with, because I can't check it after each image.
Read MoreColor photos? What is going on with Tomas?
As the people who see the pictures I post on this blog ((yeah, the two of you who actually do read this blog ;-)) have noticed there's been A LOT of black and white photos from me lately, since I've done so much analog stuff in the last year. So except for my monthly wrap-up posts on my 365 project, it has become a rarity for me to post color shots like these.
Read MoreDoes it always rain in Copenhagen?
As I write this it is the day after the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk and I haven't felt any urge to head out today to take pictures even though there was good light for parts of the day at least. For the entirety of the walk through the streets of Copenhagen yesterday it rained, rained and then it rained even more! I don't think I've ever had to pour water out of the front of a camera before, but there definitely was some in my old Canon 50mm lens after the walk was done!
Read MoreLinan 2017 (The Line) at the City Library Park in Malmö
Pick a few good ones!
My blogging “schedule” hasn’t been much of a schedule lately...nor blogging for that matter, but I figure that it’s probably better not to write anything until you feel you have something to share than to ramble on about stuff.
So I actually do have something to share today. This was brought on by a conversation I had yesterday during the one day event called “Linan” (The Line) in Malmö, Sweden. It’s a one day outdoor photo exhibition in a park that I’ve taken part in several times. This year I showed 13 12 x 16 inch images from last weekend’s Pride Parade here in town.
On to the conversation I hinted at...a spectator I’ve run into at several other one day events commented that I always share such good event photos; that I manage to capture the mood of an event well. That is of course high praise and I told him so, but it also got me thinking about editing, judging and selecting photos.
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