Ever since the modern plague descended upon us in 2020 I’ve put one aspect of my photography on the back burner, namely analog photography. It wasn’t an intentional choice in any way, in fact it was something that dawned on me several months into it. “Tomas, you’re not shooting your old film cameras…is that something we want to change?” It turned out that, nope I was fine with letting them and my rolls of film in the fridge be for the time being. Of course I didn’t think we’d still be in pandemic mode (sort of) at the start of 2023, I figured we’d be back to normal long ago!
Read Morecanon
“Let the good times roll!”
Colors, Drums and Sunshine!
A few weekends ago I attended the Landskrona Carnival with the parents who hadn’t been there before (I’ve been before, but not the actual parade part…which was the main reason we went). It turned out to be quite an interesting and entertaining experience, not to mention a challenging one, photography wise.
I had lent my dad my 18-200 mm zoom lens, since his is no longer working, so I was using only my 50 mm on my Canon 600D. Yep, I was shooting digital again…it seems to be something I’ve gotten back to this summer, at least a little bit. No worries though, I am still using my analog gear as well. It’s just that when you expect a boatload of colors and action my black and white analog setup doesn’t really work that well!
Read MorePhotowalk in Monochrome
At long last I've gotten around to processing my negatives from the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk in Copenhagen, Denmark on October 7th. As I wrote in my previous blog post from the day after the event it was a VERY wet affair, so I decided very soon after we arrived at the starting point to only shoot analog photos (and a few cell phone snaps here and there) since my DSLR isn't particularly weather sealed and I didn't want to risk losing it or have to send it in for repairs. So analog it was from there on!
Read MoreStreet Photography at the Market
2017 has been an interesting year for me photographically so far. I don't think I've taken as few pictures with a digital camera since at least 2005. However I am not at all troubled by that, because I've done quite a bit of analog photography so far this year. I've yet to develop the films so it'll be interesting to see how bad I've managed to screw it up so far!
Read MorePhotographing again!
It's been almost two months since I posted anything on this blog and that is definitely too long a gap between posts! I will blame a camera in the repair shop for a few weeks and a general lack of photographic focus, but hopefully now that the machine is back and in working order again I hope I can get back some of the drive to take pictures!
Read MoreA DSLR free week?
There are few weeks when I've not taken a single picture with my trusty Canon DSLR, but this has been one of those. The weather has simply been...well...November is a good way to describe it. And Swedish November at that...which means seriously crappy light for photography! Also, it's NaNoWriMo now, that month of the year when writing takes center stage for me, which means I don't mind leaving the big camera in the backpack for a bit!
Read MorePhoto Flashback
During the month of November I am not doing a lot of photography, due to it being National Novel Writing Month, and that tends to soak up most of my creative energy. It's fun to do something much slower, more introspective than photography from time to time. But since this is a photographer's blog there has to be photos...right?
So, this is a photo that is an "oldie", shot back in 2007 at the Wanås manor in Skåne, Sweden. I was there with my photo club, looking at all the sculptures and artwork that the place is full of during the summer months.
I shot this with a Canon point and shoot and haven't really done anything with it until today. I tweaked the saturation, brightness and contrasts in the picture a little bit, to make it "pop" some more, but other than that it is the way I shot it 7 years (!) ago.
It is (sometimes at least) fun to go back in your Lightroom catalogs and look at the stuff you did a year ago, two, three, four or in this case seven years ago, and find stuff you had almost forgotten that you shot! I also discovered that the ratio of photos I'd actually keep if I shot them today is a lot lower, but that's all part of the learning experience!