it is, my last but one wrap-up post for this year's project. I've done well over 330 pictures so far on something I quite honestly wasn't sure I'd be able to complete. I've got a habit of starting projects that I end up not finishing for various reasons. But this one has stuck with me for 11+ months now. I have no intention to quit now that I'm so close to the "goal", and in fact in the last few days I've toyed with the idea of keeping it up into next year.
It's a good challenge to yourself to have a daily goal, a deadline, of posting a picture. At the very least I should make it a weekly posting of a picture that I've put some thought into. A 365 project...or a 52...or even 12 is definitely a good thing...and it's one that I hope has made me a better photographer. It's also showed me I _can_ finish a project if I put some effort into it.
Anywho...same procedure as previous wrap-up "cover image" and five others from the previous months with some comments about each image.
Here we go!
The cover image is one that I took the day after the U.S. election and to me the rest of the month unfortunately has felt a bit affected by the result. Not in my wildest nightmares did I expect Trump to win...and the day after the election it felt like the world was at the verge of driving headlong into a darkness, full of the so called "alt-right" trolls, drooling at the opportunity to have access to power.
The actual image was taken in the underground railroad station at Triangeln in Malmö, Sweden, a surprisingly bright and airy place even though it is several stories below ground.
November 14 - Day 319: Nostalgic Moment
This image definitely deserved the black and white treatment, because seeing this old Volvo station wagon made me think of the sixties. The fact that it is decidedly banged up also increased the "old look". It was taken on a cloudy and pretty dreary day just outside my photo club in central Malmö, Sweden.
November 17 - Day 322: Yellow Leaf
When the weather or mood is foul enough to make you stay indoors you have to look for small-scale things to take a picture of, if only to force yourself to take and post an image that day. The act of looking at your surroundings sometimes land you an image of something you wouldn't have spotted otherwise. This is a case of that; spotting the one yellow leaf on the bonsai ficus tree in my window and focusing on that in all the green.
November 22 - Day 327: Fractured
One of the things that this year has taught me is that it is a good idea to be open to Seeing images in locations and situations that you might not think there'd be a picture in. This is a picture of the bus stop that I always frequent when going into Malmö. Normally this of course is a complete pane of glass, but apparently some wingnut thought it very productive to smash it. Thanks to it being laminated safety glass it still held together at the time (it's since been entirely smashed and also replaced) and a temporary "fix" was applied with tape. I thought it could make for an interesting graphical picture with the X and the fractured glass.
November 26 - Day 331: I see you back there!
I think this image works for the simple reason that the dog was kind enough to "pose" for me. I don't know if it had sensed I had the phone up to my face or not, but either way it looks good this way. This was taken in central Lund on a darkening afternoon and it is only thanks to pretty extensive post-processing in Snapseed that it looks okay weatherwise. That gray November weather definitely makes for tricky lighting conditions!
November 27 - Day 332: Christmas Teddy is back!
In a previous blog post I said that November is not a photo month for me and that is certainly true. It's also a fact that when the Christmas decorations are put up the mood lightens. Seeing this huge bear installation/sculpture again at the Triangeln Station in Malmö made me smile...because it was almost like seeing an old friend you haven't seen for awhile. This was taken during a photowalk with a Facebook photo group, so I guess it fits to have Dennis in the frame capturing the bear. :-)