Once again I was volunteered to shoot a clothing show that a local senior citizens' group put on. Like previous times my dad was one of the runway models, so he was unable to shoot the event, hence me doing it. Plus it's an interesting experience to shoot that stuff, since it isn't quite what I usually do.
Read MoreStaffanstorp
December 31 - Day 366: A Step In The Right Direction - Goodbye 2016!
The 365 Project - December Wrap-Up
This is my 12th and final Wrap-Up post for the year-long project I had during 2016. That means that for 366 straight days I was able to take, edit and post a picture on Instagram. (that's bending the truth a bit though about the take a picture part...there were days when I didn't take the actual picture but had to resort to using the "archive").
I'll probably do a whole year retrospective blogpost in a little while, once the project has sort of settled in my mind, so this will be "just" a December wrap-up in the same vein as the previous ones; a cover image and then some pictures from the last month's batch.
Read MoreNovember 9 - Day 314: Into A Dark Tunnel
The 365 Project - November Wrap-Up
So...here it is, my last but one wrap-up post for this year's project. I've done well over 330 pictures so far on something I quite honestly wasn't sure I'd be able to complete. I've got a habit of starting projects that I end up not finishing for various reasons. But this one has stuck with me for 11+ months now. I have no intention to quit now that I'm so close to the "goal", and in fact in the last few days I've toyed with the idea of keeping it up into next year.
Read MoreAugust 28- Day 241: Thor is angry today
The 365 Project - August Wrap-Up
Outside the colors have just started to turn towards yellow, red and brown rather than various shades of green, which means that the summer months are now just about over. It's also time for my eighth wrap-up post for this year's "one picture per day project".
As before I have one "cover image" and five other images that I write a little bit more about. If you're interested in seeing more of my Instagram 365 project all the images can be found under each month if you click the Instagram 365 menu on the left.
Read MoreIt's perfectly alright to touch the merchandise!
At a Fashion show?
This week’s blog post is one of those “the things you do for family” moments. My dad had said yes to be one of the “runway models” for a local group of senior citizens’ fashion show, so for rather obvious reasons he couldn't be the photographer...so I (was) volunteered. I also learned a few things, since I don't do event photography that often.
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