Half a year has gone by since I snapped the first image in this project and now we’re in the home stretch! Just over 180 images have been uploaded to my Instagram account and here on my site from January 1 to June 30th and I am pretty content with the stuff I’ve shared so far.
It’s no secret that I've taken quite a long break from posting stuff this year...especially for those few who followed my Instagram 365 project on Instagram. The last post I did on that one was on May 1st. Like I said in my last blog post; for a variety of reasons I ran out of the urge to upload things, so that account became dormant along with many other online outlets of mine.
However I didn’t stop taking photos during the “downtime”, so I still have pictures for my yearlong project. They’re posted here in galleries on my website instead of in one big gloop of pictures on Instagram, because it would be wrong to spam the heck out of that account with all the pictures!
February...the shortest month of the year and I managed to almost derail the yearlong project during the second half of the month. I completely lost the urge to upload pictures for far, far too many days. I've caught up with February's pictures now, but for a while there it was touch and go whether I'd keep it going or not. I knew from two previous attempts at doing a 365 project that there would come days when it'd be no fun to do the project; I just didn't think that would happen so soon this year! February is done now though, so here is my wrap-up post of the month's images.
So...here it is, my last but one wrap-up post for this year's project. I've done well over 330 pictures so far on something I quite honestly wasn't sure I'd be able to complete. I've got a habit of starting projects that I end up not finishing for various reasons. But this one has stuck with me for 11+ months now. I have no intention to quit now that I'm so close to the "goal", and in fact in the last few days I've toyed with the idea of keeping it up into next year.
Once again it's time to do a monthly wrap-up on my yearlong photo project. This was the tenth month in a row of taking, editing and posting an image every day via Instagram. This month also meant I passed the completely arbitrary, but still somewhat impressive, 300th image of the year. As before I've picked 5 images plus a "cover" to write a bit more about them.
My my how time flies this year! It feels like it was not at all long ago that I wrote the wrap-up post for August and now I am doing the one for September. That means I've got just three months to go on this year-long endeavor. Less than 100 days even. That certainly feels doable to me!
It's been quite awhile since I did a blog post...and no, there's nothing major going on...I just didn't feel the urge to post anything on the blog...until today that is...when I've got a few updates to share as far as my photography goes.
Another month of my 2016 365 project is over and as of the end of July I’m at the point where I called it quits last time I tried this year long project back in 2014. Not so this time! I’ve got no plans on quitting this because I still find it fun to find an image to post on a daily basis. I’ve discovered that the key is not to let yourself lag behind even for a day, because it is way too easy to say to yourself that it’s no biggie...you can always post two tomorrow. That tends to lead to more laziness and then you have to post three or more in a row, and that’s more like a chore than something you do for fun...and this is supposed to be fun after all!
As before I’ve chosen five images, plus a cover images for this blog post to write a bit more about. So here we go!
We are now in the month of July, which means I'm halfway done with my 365 project. Yay! Also, my my how time flies! It doesn't really feel like it's been over six months since I posted the first of these images on Instagram, but then I look at the 184 images in my Lightroom folder and there they are, all 184 (!) of them. There'll be another 182 before the year is over, but at least I know I'm on the "home stretch", if quite a long stretch!
For most of my photographic "life" I've been a single image at a time person, not doing anything long term like shooting for an upcoming exhibition or book and I've been fine with that. I've always thought about having a project though, something that can be done on a long term basis, but haven't really found anything that's been thrilling enough to do.
Now though I find myself toying with 3 (!) at the same time. How's that for irony?