Another month of my 2016 365 project is over and as of the end of July I’m at the point where I called it quits last time I tried this year long project back in 2014. Not so this time! I’ve got no plans on quitting this because I still find it fun to find an image to post on a daily basis. I’ve discovered that the key is not to let yourself lag behind even for a day, because it is way too easy to say to yourself that it’s no can always post two tomorrow. That tends to lead to more laziness and then you have to post three or more in a row, and that’s more like a chore than something you do for fun...and this is supposed to be fun after all!
As before I’ve chosen five images, plus a cover images for this blog post to write a bit more about. So here we go!
The cover image is the "portal" to another world...or in more prosaic terms: It's the entryway to the Hippodrome or simply "Hipp" in Malmö. It's an old theater/circus/entertainment space that is now the home of the Malmö Dramatic Theater Company. I've not visited the place but I've thought of going lots of times. Perhaps that's something to do in the upcoming months! I gave it a black and white treatment, because I thought the horseshoe shaped opening looked much better without the distractions of colors.
Day 185 - July 3: In the neighborhood
This image is taken less than five hundred yards from my home which makes it look like I live in an almost rural area. I think that's more to due with the angle I took this photo than the actual location, which is definitely in suburbia! This is a newly established park in a residential area still under construction, but what fascinated me was the potential for a real close-up of the thistles in the foreground with an interesting landscape in the background. To have an almost DSLR quality to a cell phone shot is something I've come to strive for more and more, and this is an example of that. It's also proof that you don't always have to travel a great distance to find something to portray!
Day 186 - July 4: 47 years
This is an image that's been bouncing around in my brain since my first time around with the 365 concept in 2014, so when it was time for my parents' wedding anniversary this year it seemed a perfect day for it. July 4th, 1969 was the day when the two of them got married and I thought was a very good thing to portray on this particular day!
Day 195 - July 13: River of stone
There are images that you spot even before you take them. Your mind goes "oh, that could be a good picture" and it's even better when your mind was right (that isn't always the case). This is an image taken on the island Hallands Väderö off the coast of Skåne, Sweden. I went there for a day trip to explore and enjoy the landscape and on the western, more rugged side of the small island I spotted this "stream" of pebbles among the grass. I saw the image in black and white (because in real life the stones aren't that emphasized) and thanks to Snapseed on the phone I could make the image look the way it was in my mind.
Day 198 - July 16: Photowalk in progress
July has been a month of several photowalks for me, and I definitely enjoy the social aspect of this hobby/obsession of mine! It's great fun to hang out with fellow nerds and be inspired by their methods, ideas and stories! Photography by its very nature is often quite a solitary endeavor, so to include other people in this way makes it even better, even if I don't always take my "best" images during these walks. That's okay though, I take more pictures than I need anyway! This is Susanne in the foreground, Sven to the right and Margareta in the middle while we were exploring the narrow streets of Lund, Sweden.
Day 208 - July 26: At the Art & Sculpture Park
A bit of a touristy postcard picture, but I couldn't help's such a cool place to visit! This is Wanås, an old manor in the northeastern part of Skåne province in Sweden. For many years they've hosted sculptures and installations in the outbuildings and park, and it's a treat to stroll around and experience the place. I can't say I appreciated (or understood even) all the pieces, but it was a great day trip and something I strongly recommend to everyone on a summer day!
Bonus picture!
I figured I should throw in the 200th picture of the year as well, since that's somewhat of a milestone. This was taken in Landskrona, Sweden when I was there visiting a photo exhibition at the city museum and as I made my way towards the bus stop I looked up and saw this. Needless to say I made sure I reached the bus before hell broke loose!
Day 200 - July 18: Ominous clouds