Most of 2020 and the start of 2021 has meant an ongoing “hunt” for places nearby where people aren’t likely to be too abundant (because other people are dangerous etc…) so I have found myself going back to certain locations several times since the start of the pandemic, camera in hand.
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Back from the winter blues
This part of the year usually means a lull in my photography; the weather is often just gray, gray, gray and the short hours of daylight makes tricky to get out there at all with a camera. So inspiration and urge to get out there (or update this blog for that matter) is often not just there. It’s my “winter blues” period I suppose. That tends to happen even when the weather is unusually mild like this year (“thanks” to global warming I suppose).
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The 365 Project Mark IV - The Twelfth Month Summary
So this marks the end of my 365 project for 2019 and a delayed wrap-up post of the month of December. 31 images uploaded in the last month of the year and 365 images uploaded throughout the whole year. I must say I am pretty pleased that I was able to keep it going…although it was not as difficult as it was in 2014, 2016 or 2018 (when I didn’t even upload the taken pictures for more than half a year). Still…365 images, that’s A LOT! It’d be way too many to put into an exhibition and probably too many to put into a photo book, unless you print them fairly small (which is how I will do my Blurb book of the project).
I’m happy with how the project turned out, and some of the pictures are actually good enough that I’d consider printing them large, especially some of the images I’ve taken with my Kiev 60 medium format camera throughout the year. It feels like I’m starting to understand how to use that camera to glean that extra bit of “pop” that medium format can give, when it’s done right.
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