When a fellow board member of my photo club said that this semester we'd have a "Develop with Coffee" class It certainly wasn't the first time I'd heard of the phenomenon known as "Caffenol". I'd even seen a video or two of it on YouTube, but I hadn't tried it myself before. So I figured, why not give it a go. The worst that could happen would be that a film would be ruined and I wouldn't have those particular pictures...really not the end of the world.
Read MorePost production
Pick a few good ones!
My blogging “schedule” hasn’t been much of a schedule lately...nor blogging for that matter, but I figure that it’s probably better not to write anything until you feel you have something to share than to ramble on about stuff.
So I actually do have something to share today. This was brought on by a conversation I had yesterday during the one day event called “Linan” (The Line) in Malmö, Sweden. It’s a one day outdoor photo exhibition in a park that I’ve taken part in several times. This year I showed 13 12 x 16 inch images from last weekend’s Pride Parade here in town.
On to the conversation I hinted at...a spectator I’ve run into at several other one day events commented that I always share such good event photos; that I manage to capture the mood of an event well. That is of course high praise and I told him so, but it also got me thinking about editing, judging and selecting photos.
Read MoreExhibition time is here again!
Once again I am allowed to show my photos to the general public, in this case at a local hospital's cafeteria space. I thoroughly enjoy the process with exhibitions, from taking the photos, processing them, picking what photos to print, printing them, framing them and putting them on the walls.
Read MoreOld World (again) and a house for a mouse
For the first time since September I've actually added a few images to my "Old World" project that I was so busy with before having them on display at this year's Culture Fest in Staffanstorp in September. There were a few "leftover" shots from the visit to the Katrinetorp Christmas Market and the park next door that I covered in last week's blog post, that I figured I'd give the Old World treatment in Analog Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro.
Read MoreFall colors in the park
After a week full of photo club events and two one-day exhibitions where I had pictures on display, today has been a blissfully laid back Sunday. Even though for a few moments the sun showed up, I didn't feel the urge to go out there, camera in hand. Instead I took some time to go through and edit photos from two weekends ago when I was part of a Facebook photo group photowalk to the gardens around the Alnarp Agricultural University.
Read MoreThe 365 Project - June Wrap-Up
We are now in the month of July, which means I'm halfway done with my 365 project. Yay! Also, my my how time flies! It doesn't really feel like it's been over six months since I posted the first of these images on Instagram, but then I look at the 184 images in my Lightroom folder and there they are, all 184 (!) of them. There'll be another 182 before the year is over, but at least I know I'm on the "home stretch", if quite a long stretch!
Read MoreStill liking my project!
I’ve now done almost two months (complete but for one day) of my Instagram 365 project and it is still fun to do. I’m two twelfths, or one sixth if you will, done and hopefully I can keep this enthusiasm going well into the year.
Read MoreShooting graffiti...a new project?
A few days ago I listened to an episode of one of my favorite podcasts, The Candid Frame, hosted by Ibarionex Perello where he had the photographer Mick Victor as a guest. They talked about his project of photographing graffiti, tags and other decorations and markings on walls close enough to make them more abstracts, and therefore more "arty". I thought that sounded so utterly removed from the street photography that I often do that I just had to give it a go!
Read MoreIt's Double Exhibition Time!
It is a rare treat for me to be able to say that I’m showing photos in two locations at the same time, but at the moment that is actually the case. It's even rare to show them in one!
Read MoreAt a Fashion show?
This week’s blog post is one of those “the things you do for family” moments. My dad had said yes to be one of the “runway models” for a local group of senior citizens’ fashion show, so for rather obvious reasons he couldn't be the photographer...so I (was) volunteered. I also learned a few things, since I don't do event photography that often.
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