For the longest time I’ve had a roll of Fomapan 200 loaded into an old Zeiss Ikon Nettar folding camera and since I now shoot my medium format stuff mostly with my “small” Kiev 60 camera that roll has been there for quite some time. Just to not let it get too old I brought it along when my dad and I went out to the beech forest near a small village called Torna Hällestad. That is a place where some of the beech trees have a strange tendency to contort themselves while they grow, turning them into quite surrealistic shapes in some cases.
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Viking Summer 2018
For a few years a while back I went to every annual summer Viking market at Foteviken just south of Malmö to take pictures, because as a history nerd I thought it was so cool to see people in (at least somewhat period accurate) Viking costumes, re-enacting the time period. Then I felt I had photographed that to the best of both my abilities as well as my interest (mostly the latter), but in 2018 I thought 'I haven't shot the event with analog equipment, so that might be a new challenge!'
Read MoreAt the Nerd Parade...and actual new blog post from me
As I post this on my site it is November 29, 2018. It also happens to be my brother’s birthday with mine happening yesterday (so yay us I guess). I figured that it being our birthdays was a good time to restart posting stuff to both here and to various social media presences…because let’s face it…it’s been quite a while, hasn't it?
Read MoreMy analog adventures continue
Once again I've got some analog images to show in this blog, and unlike last week's batch I think I nailed the focus in at least one or two of these with "my" (technically dad's) Zeiss Ikon Nettar 6 x 6 camera from 1957. I must say I am starting to like these large negatives...the amount of information in them is pretty amazing!
Read MoreMore analog search of good focus!
In my ongoing exploration of analog photography I've dabbled with 120 format before, but not really to the extent that I've done 135 format, so I figured it was time to "remedy" that. I picked up a 5-pack of Tri-X 400 film at the local camera store and put a roll into my father's old Zeiss Ikon Nettar that I've temporarily appropriated for my usage.
Read MoreMy negatives on the light table
Using coffee for developing photos?
When a fellow board member of my photo club said that this semester we'd have a "Develop with Coffee" class It certainly wasn't the first time I'd heard of the phenomenon known as "Caffenol". I'd even seen a video or two of it on YouTube, but I hadn't tried it myself before. So I figured, why not give it a go. The worst that could happen would be that a film would be ruined and I wouldn't have those particular pictures...really not the end of the world.
Read MoreI'm on the way down the analog rabbit hole...
During 2017 I have shot more and more film, all on Tri-X 35 mm film and I have enjoyed getting better and better at it. I am still not at the level where I am confident that I won't accidentally get an entirely black frame on the roll here and there, but I am getting there...slowly.
I've been asked why I shoot film when there's digital available and my answer to that has several parts. I do it because it forces me to slow down and think before I shoot. It's VERY easy to snap away like a lunatic with your DSLR and ending up with 700 pictures to go through (done it many times!).
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