For the first time since September I've actually added a few images to my "Old World" project that I was so busy with before having them on display at this year's Culture Fest in Staffanstorp in September. There were a few "leftover" shots from the visit to the Katrinetorp Christmas Market and the park next door that I covered in last week's blog post, that I figured I'd give the Old World treatment in Analog Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro.
For most of my photographic "life" I've been a single image at a time person, not doing anything long term like shooting for an upcoming exhibition or book and I've been fine with that. I've always thought about having a project though, something that can be done on a long term basis, but haven't really found anything that's been thrilling enough to do.
Now though I find myself toying with 3 (!) at the same time. How's that for irony?