We are now in the month of July, which means I'm halfway done with my 365 project. Yay! Also, my my how time flies! It doesn't really feel like it's been over six months since I posted the first of these images on Instagram, but then I look at the 184 images in my Lightroom folder and there they are, all 184 (!) of them. There'll be another 182 before the year is over, but at least I know I'm on the "home stretch", if quite a long stretch!
As with previous months I've picked 5 images, plus a "cover image" to write a bit more about than just the various hashtags I put on them when they're posted on Instagram and on Flickr.
The cover image above is from Pildammsparken in central Malmö on a great summer evening as I made my way home from an outdoor concert (which will feature below too). The light in front of me looked pretty interesting, but as I turned around to face the sunset I was given this view. It was absolutely worth snapping a photo of it for posterity, and after some tweaking in Snapseed it looked pretty much the way my eyes saw it. (It also makes me think a bit of the German painter Caspar David Friedrich's works...but that might be a bit presumptuous on my part for an image taken with a cell phone...)
June 6 - Day 158: Room after room after room...
On Sweden's National Day on June 6th my father and I skipped the whole celebrations (we don't usually celebrate that anyway) and went to the Copenhagen Photo Festival, a tradition we've kept up for many years now. While the exhibitions sometimes are good, sometimes bad, and not necessarily always our cups of tea the locations are often very interesting. Such has been the case in the previous years when they put up images in the old Carlsberg breweries and other places, and such was the case this year for the Bremerholmen Transformer station, where this picture was taken. I liked the repeating pattern of the rooms following each other.
June 9 - Day 161: Just another brick in the pile...or two
This is probably one of those "photographer's images" that i sometimes take. By that I mean I saw something about the shapes and contrasts between the bricks and the cobblestones that attracted me and might attract other photographers too, but not necessarily "civilians". I did get a few strange looks as I was leaning in over the barriers at a road works site in Malmö to get a good angle on these bricks and cobblestones, but hey, that's pretty much par for the course when it comes to photography. If we're not ready to look like fools sometimes to get an image...then we're not trying hard enough!
June 13 - Day 165: Old Leaf
This is an image where the postprocessing makes whatever it is that turns it into something interesting. In its original state it's just an image of a large leaf that's been nibbled on by caterpillars, but after I had a go at it in Snapseed I think it looks timeless, as if it'd been taken long, long ago. I can't remember exactly what steps I took to make it look like this, but I definitely like it!
June 21 - Day 173: Music in the park
This was a first for me. In my +40 years of life I'd never been to a classical music performance...until this particular evening that is. The players are the Malmö Symphony Orchestra and they're playing a few samples of stuff they'll be performing through the fall and winter season. While I can't say I loved all the stuff they did I definitely enjoyed the experience...and hopefully this won't be the only ever such performance I go to!
June 25 - Day 177: At least there is still a wheel...
I'm sure the person who this bike belonged to is just as frustrated as I was at the beginning of this month when some (expletive deleted) stole my bike. It's a pity you need several locks to prevent thieves from taking your stuff. In my case, sure it was an old piece of junk that I had thought of replacing, but it's still a hassle and a half when it happens and you need to get a new one.