This will be the second week in a row I upload a blogpost full of images of green plants and trees…and wetness, but this is in a completely different location from last week. I was planning on doing a wrap-up post for 2019 as a whole and my 365 project in particular, but I am not quite done with that text, so I’ll postpone that until next week, and upload these pictures that I took today. Can’t get any fresher than that, can you?
Read Morekatrinetorp
Looks like the mansion's owners have clean underwear for tomorrow...
Old World (again) and a house for a mouse
For the first time since September I've actually added a few images to my "Old World" project that I was so busy with before having them on display at this year's Culture Fest in Staffanstorp in September. There were a few "leftover" shots from the visit to the Katrinetorp Christmas Market and the park next door that I covered in last week's blog post, that I figured I'd give the Old World treatment in Analog Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro.
Read MoreChristmas is market season
Just like summer brings on the market season around this province we get a lot of markets around December, selling all kinds of Christmas related things and knickknacks. I've never been to the market held at Katrinetorps Gård, an old-style manor house turned living museum, just outside of Malmö, Sweden, so I figured it was time to go.
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