I had planned that this week’s blogpost would be illustrated with analog images from a recent photowalk in Malmö with the IgersMalmoe group, but last week I found out via Facebook that one of my longest online friends had passed away, so I’ll postpone that idea into the future. I just don’t have the urge to write a whole lot of words on photos I haven’t had the urge to edit.
Read More120 film
Day 224 - August 17: Merry Go Round
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Eighth Month Summary
Wrap-up post number eight of the year and only four to go now before this year’s edition of the 365 idea is done. Yay! It did feel a bit endless there for a while in March when I was on month three, but now it absolutely feels like something I’ll finish, making this my third success out of four tries at this sort of thing. Of course, by saying it like this I’ve no doubt jinxed myself somehow…aw well…shrug
Read MoreShot with the Kiev 60 camera
Festival days, part II
Last blog post I showed some of my digital images from the recently finished Malmö Festival, the annual event held in Malmö, Sweden (for the last 35 years). I took analog shots too during my visits to the event, but I had yet to develop them at the time. I’ve done that now and scanned them as well, so this week’s entry in this blog is all about the analog shots I took, both with my 135 camera (a Canon 650) as well as my 120 camera (a Kiev 60).
Read MorePhotowalking is fun!
A little while back I went on a lot of different group photowalks, both in my photo club, in various Facebook groups as well as through Instawalks with the IgersMalmoe group/collective/heap of photographers (whatever noun fits). Lately I’ve done more solo meanderings through cities with my camera; not because I find anything wrong with group photowalks, it’s just something that’s evolved over time.
Read MoreOut in the streets again
The weather is no longer arctically (is that a word? if not it should be!) frigid outside, so the Swedes suddenly sport all kinds of color in their choice of clothing rather than the dark blue, black or brown we seem to wear during the winter months (yep, I am guilty as well with my black coat), so it seemed like a good idea to head out there again for some street photography. I’ve not done a whole lot of it this winter, and the little I’ve done I haven’t really felt the urge to post on the blog.
Read MoreAn outing to the "Troll Woods"
For the longest time I’ve had a roll of Fomapan 200 loaded into an old Zeiss Ikon Nettar folding camera and since I now shoot my medium format stuff mostly with my “small” Kiev 60 camera that roll has been there for quite some time. Just to not let it get too old I brought it along when my dad and I went out to the beech forest near a small village called Torna Hällestad. That is a place where some of the beech trees have a strange tendency to contort themselves while they grow, turning them into quite surrealistic shapes in some cases.
Read MoreThe 365 Project 2019: Day 7 - At the Old Quarry
The 365 Project Mark IV - The First Month Summary
The 365 project is back! Actually it never left after I took the 365th picture of 2018, I just kept going into the new year. I didn’t feel done with my one picture per day thing, partly because I didn’t upload the pictures daily during the year - I just stored them on my computer and inserted them into my book file, yet to be printed.
This year though, the still somewhat new and shiny 2019, I am going back to uploading the daily image to my Instagram account. I am widening my sources of images too, no longer restricting myself to cell phone shots only. As good as the Samsung S8+ is, I have snapped quite a few good ones with my (to me) new Kiev 60 medium format camera too, so I will include a few of them here and there as the year progresses, and possibly other analog photos as well.
Read MorePhoto by Rei Trulsson
"The Beast" in action
In the last two years that I’ve shot A LOT of film photography I’ve mainly done “regular” film, the 135 format kind or “full format". I’ve stayed away from the TLR cameras (of the Hasselblad or Rolleiflex kind), because I’ve never gotten to like the whole looking down the “chimney” to focus, and because they’re eye-wateringly expensive as well.
Read MoreAt the Nerd Parade...and yes...an actual new blog post from me
As I post this on my site it is November 29, 2018. It also happens to be my brother’s birthday with mine happening yesterday (so yay us I guess). I figured that it being our birthdays was a good time to restart posting stuff to both here and to various social media presences…because let’s face it…it’s been quite a while, hasn't it?
Read MoreMy analog adventures continue
Once again I've got some analog images to show in this blog, and unlike last week's batch I think I nailed the focus in at least one or two of these with "my" (technically dad's) Zeiss Ikon Nettar 6 x 6 camera from 1957. I must say I am starting to like these large negatives...the amount of information in them is pretty amazing!
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