It is a rare treat for me to be able to say that I’m showing photos in two locations at the same time, but at the moment that is actually the case. It's even rare to show them in one! About a week ago I hung 14 pictures of mine from last year’s Pride Parade in Malmö (they can be found in a gallery here on my site) at an adult education center’s cafeteria. It’s a nice location that gets quite a bit of traffic, so hopefully the people using the place like my shots.
The second place is at the Scandinavian Photo store in Malmö where five of my pictures are among around a hundred pictures that form my photo club’s 80th anniversary exhibition “Life in Malmö” which went up this weekend, to a great turnout of spectators.
I’m not likely to have a double exhibition period like this for some time, so I’ll try to enjoy it while it lasts!
This is the article and photo the reporter shown in the title image of this blog post wrote.
Published in Skånska Dagbladet on February 6th, 2016.
Instagram 365 update
At the start of the year I took on the challenge of taking, editing and uploading a picture from my phone to Instagram every day of the year. Today marks day 38 of this challenge and so far I’m on track (even though I’ve had to resort to using spare images on some days, given the weather and/or other things I’ve had to do).
So far I’ve done fairly traditional images of things in my vicinity, but hopefully as the year progresses I’ll be doing more experimental stuff, things that aren’t so “square”, even though all the pictures will be in that format (to do a somewhat lame pun).
New computer, new abilities to edit
There has been a definite lull in my photographic activities lately; which is partly due to the season...not a lot of light to make use of, but mostly due to me waiting for a new computer to arrive from the supplier. Now I can happily say that I’ve moved up from Lightroom 3 to Lightroom CC in my editing workflow, so hopefully I’ll be able to do even more to my photos, and most of all, to be able to do them faster! It's just amazing what a difference it can be using a 2016 machine compared to a 2006-ish machine!