These last few weekends this analog film shooter has done quite a bit of digital photography (sacrilege I know!), since I’ve visited a few events where there are more action filled elements and I am not really good at capturing action with my analog cameras…yet.
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Linan 2017 (The Line) at the City Library Park in Malmö
Pick a few good ones!
My blogging “schedule” hasn’t been much of a schedule lately...nor blogging for that matter, but I figure that it’s probably better not to write anything until you feel you have something to share than to ramble on about stuff.
So I actually do have something to share today. This was brought on by a conversation I had yesterday during the one day event called “Linan” (The Line) in Malmö, Sweden. It’s a one day outdoor photo exhibition in a park that I’ve taken part in several times. This year I showed 13 12 x 16 inch images from last weekend’s Pride Parade here in town.
On to the conversation I hinted at...a spectator I’ve run into at several other one day events commented that I always share such good event photos; that I manage to capture the mood of an event well. That is of course high praise and I told him so, but it also got me thinking about editing, judging and selecting photos.
Read MoreA reporter from the local paper Skånska Dagbladet talks to Susanne Bogren and the photo club chairman Rikard Persson about the club's anniversary exhibition "Life in Malmö".
It's Double Exhibition Time!
It is a rare treat for me to be able to say that I’m showing photos in two locations at the same time, but at the moment that is actually the case. It's even rare to show them in one!
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