For the longest time I’ve had a roll of medium format Ilford Delta Pro 3200 in my film stash, because I thought it’d be interesting to see how a high speed film would do in my Kiev 60 camera. I didn’t find a good moment to shoot it though, because I haven’t really taken that humongous camera out at night before. When a couple of friends and I went to the Tivoli amusement park in Copenhagen in Denmark a few weeks ago (I posted my digital shots from that outing in the blog a few weeks ago) I figured why the heck not give it a go with some high speed film in the “tank” too. Sure enough…while giving myself a bit of a shoulder ache from the weight of the camera in the bag I did shoot the first half of the roll there.
Read MoreIn the halls of the mountain king...
Yes, that title is blatantly stolen from an orchestral piece by the Norwegian composer Edward Grieg (but he’s been dead for over a century, so he can’t complain much), but in a way it fits the location that I visited last weekend. The Tykarp Cave outside Hässleholm in the northeastern part of my home province Skåne is an old underground limestone quarry (that closed in the late 1800s) that you can visit year round as a tourist attraction, but this particular weekend they held their Christmas market.
Read More...'tis the season once again
Regular as clockwork (or should that perhaps be calendar work, given that it’s an annual thing?) the holiday season comes along and cities go nuts with hanging up lights and decorations in the streets and squares. I am absolutely fine with this tradition, in fact I definitely enjoy it! Especially after the ultra doomy, gloomy, dark and rainy November we had this year I feel we’ve definitely earned it!
Read MoreThe 365 Project Mark IV - The Eleventh Month Summary
It is time for my last but one summary of this year’s 365 project and I think it’s been the easiest one of them all, mostly because I’ve allowed myself to include images from all my photographic devices; be it analog, digital or mobile cameras. That way I didn’t limit the type of picture that I could include. If I decided to my 5th 365 project next year I will definitely apply the same rules to it then. I’ve not decided yet…that’s what December is for!
Read MoreA million lights lighting up the night
One of the joys about the upcoming holidays is how all the lights that people put up put an end to gloomy and dark November. This year it has been a particularly gloomy and gray November with VERY little sunshine and that has had an effect on the general mood and the urge to shoot (although I’ve been unusually active with stuff like that this month, thanks among other things to the outing to the coast I’ve covered in two blogposts lately).
When a friend on Facebook suggested a group trip to the Tivoli amusement park to experience the Christmas decorations there I jumped at the opportunity right away. I’ve enjoyed that place several times in the last few years and it’s always a positive experience. The weather looked to be somewhat iffy with splashes of rain in the forecast, but I didn’t really care. That’s what umbrellas and rain covers are for. Also, this was the first chance I had to try out my new Fujifilm camera at night and that was exciting in itself…at least for me.
Read MoreMedium format at the coast
There’s been a bit of a lull in photography for me in the last two weeks, due to the weather being crap and a general feeling of blaaaah, so this post is a few days behind my self-imposed weekly blogpost deadline. I do have some new-ish pictures to share though, from the photo club walkabout at the coast I did two weekends ago.
Read MorePhoto Club outing to Klagshamn
One of the benefits of being in a photo club is the different outings we go on, to places you probably wouldn’t have either discovered and/or gone to on your own. This weekend I went to the small village called Klagshamn south of Malmö with a few of the other club members. One of us live there, so he provided a very enjoyable and interesting stream of facts about the place and its industrial history as a place where A LOT of limestone had been quarried and processed into quicklime.
Read MoreFall Colors...again...for the last time this year?
Now that November is here and Daylight Savings Time is over it’s definitely moving towards winter and within a few weeks’ time the frost will be here, so it’s probably a good idea to enjoy any sunlight that nature provides. That’s why I grabbed my camera and suggested to my constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) that we head out to shoot. He didn’t need much convincing, so we headed to the nearby Höje Å area, just outside of Lund, Sweden, where there are some footpaths along a slow moving creek that provided a few nice shots.
Read MoreNew gear at the train station
There is a certain excitement for a photography nerd when there’s new gear around - although in my case the new gear I’ve acquired in the last few year has been OLD gear - in the shape of analog cameras. Last year I got myself a Kiev 60 medium format camera and that was a fun piece of (to me) new old tech to have a go at, shooting those lovely large 6 x 6 cm negatives. I’ve enjoyed exploring 135 format film photography too with various cameras. However, I’ve been feeling that my 2011 Canon 600D DSLR has been used less and less, because the low-light capabilities felt lacking. Also, the size of it was beginning to be a problem for my more and more achy hands (which is a bit ironic, given that when I got that Canon camera I felt I needed to add a battery grip to let my hands grab it properly).
Read MoreFall colors are here again
Each year, just before the weather and lack of light turns conditions here decidedly unfriendly towards photography we get a little burst of color from nature, free of charge. All we have to do is get to a place where you have access to vegetation and it’s often an abundance of colors for you to try to portray. This year I’ve done A LOT of black and white analog photography (much of it shared here on the blog), so I figured I needed to have a bit of variety in my photography so out I went. I picked the gardens and park of the nearby Alnarp agricultural university, a place I knew would provide lots of colors (although it’s always a bit of a lottery how many leaves are left on the trees by the time you head out there).
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