For the longest time I’ve had a roll of medium format Ilford Delta Pro 3200 in my film stash, because I thought it’d be interesting to see how a high speed film would do in my Kiev 60 camera. I didn’t find a good moment to shoot it though, because I haven’t really taken that humongous camera out at night before. When a couple of friends and I went to the Tivoli amusement park in Copenhagen in Denmark a few weeks ago (I posted my digital shots from that outing in the blog a few weeks ago) I figured why the heck not give it a go with some high speed film in the “tank” too. Sure enough…while giving myself a bit of a shoulder ache from the weight of the camera in the bag I did shoot the first half of the roll there.
I took the second half of the roll while out and about in Malmö, Sweden a few weeks later and it’s interesting to see that the camera and film could actually cope with the low light conditions as well as they did. I’ll probably pick up a few more rolls of this film (or the Kodak equivalent of Tmax 3200) so that I can put that in my cameras for when the urge to shoot some more low light conditions hit me. Given that we’ve just past the winter solstice (which makes for lots and lots of low light conditions at the moment) I think it’s probably better to shoot more of that stuff now…rather than later! ;-)
This one definitely has a few scratches that I think stem from the extra handling of it as I put in the new fix.
I am not exactly happy with the results…and not disappointed either. It was after all a First Go, an experiment to see what both the film as well as I could accomplish in reduced lighting conditions. Unfortunately I ended up using far too expired fix in the developing process, so I had to quickly mix up a new solution and re-dunk the film strip in that, so there are occasional blotches and scratches on the film that I don’t normally get when developing…aw well! shrug Given what it looked like after the first go in the expired fix…this is definitely an improvement!
There are no masterpieces on this roll…and not really stuff I’ll be printing to put up on a wall (or in a portfolio), but it was an interesting experiment all the same!