There’s been a bit of a lull in photography for me in the last two weeks, due to the weather being crap and a general feeling of blaaaah, so this post is a few days behind my self-imposed weekly blogpost deadline. I do have some new-ish pictures to share though, from the photo club walkabout at the coast I did two weekends ago.
I shot most of it with the new Fujifilm XT-3 to pretty good success, which I shared in my last post. I did however shoot a roll of Rollei Retro 400 S in my russian tank of a medium format camera too, the Kiev 60. It took awhile for me to get around to develop and scan the film, but now that that is done I can share shots from that roll as well.
The old lime kiln
Why the long face? (Sorry…that’s quite the dad joke…and not a good one!)
Right down by the water’s edge we spotted a few deer, but I didn’t have the telephoto lens to capture them. Aw well…
Fellow photographers
Access denied!
Can’t shoot at the coast around here without having at least one shot of The Bridge in it!
The road goes forever on…