One of the benefits of being in a photo club is the different outings we go on, to places you probably wouldn’t have either discovered and/or gone to on your own. This weekend I went to the small village called Klagshamn south of Malmö with a few of the other club members. One of us live there, so he provided a very enjoyable and interesting stream of facts about the place and its industrial history as a place where A LOT of limestone had been quarried and processed into quicklime.
All over the island we could find traces of the old industrial activities, including the old lime kiln that is still in fairly good state, even though nature is trying to take that one over too, just like the overgrown structures we could see here and there.
We walked the peninsula for a few hours, covering around 4-5 miles through shifting terrain (as can be seen in the photos below), and it was very enjoyable to see how many different landscapes we experienced as we made our way out to the harbor area (which I have visited in the past).
I figured an outing like this with fellow photographers was also a good opportunity to test the new XT-3’s abilities when it comes to fast focusing and capturing other people. So below are a few of the shots I took of my fellow club members. It’s fun to learn the new camera’s quirks and features…although I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to reset the focusing method back to where I move the focus point around, rather than letting the camera find it itself, all while trying to walk a nature trail at the same time. Amazingly enough I didn’t fall flat on my face in the process!
Anne-Grethe, Marie-Louise and Jonas passing by the foundations of some now missing building.
Can’t have a photo outing without a coffee and packed treats break! Anne-Grethe and Wolfgang at the table.
Dad (who was a guest at the photowalk) at the coastline
Interesting folk art
I don’t know…is it allowed to sit here or not? The message isn’t entirely clear…