It's been almost two months since I posted anything on this blog and that is definitely too long a gap between posts! I will blame a camera in the repair shop for a few weeks and a general lack of photographic focus, but hopefully now that the machine is back and in working order again I hope I can get back some of the drive to take pictures!
"The long and winding road"?
The photos in this post were taken at the Risen Nature Reserve outside Genarp in southern Sweden on a pretty dark and gray March day. I can't say I enjoyed the weather much, but it did feel okay to be out there again, camera in hand! Once I had adjusted the diopter setting on my camera that the repair guy must have bumped when he repaired it I could even see sharp through the eye piece! ;-)
It's not uncommon to see wild deer around these parts of Sweden, but I think, given that they were inside an enclosed field, that the deer in the picture at the top of the page are domesticated ones, raised for their meat. They certainly were on point with their hearing can be seen in the top picture. One of them has homed in on me and dad who were standing there, snapping away with rather loud cameras. No sneaking around when the shutter starts going on the bigger Canons!
To me it looks like a pair of hands holding up the rest of the tree trunk.
Looks like someone wants the past holiday season to last a little longer...