It is one of the dreaded parts of a creative endeavor, be it music, writing, photography, painting etc. That feeling of “what is the point really?” or “my stuff really sucks” or “I should just sell all my gear and withdraw into a cave!”. I’ve had it happen before, so it’s not exactly a new feeling, but it’s still uncomfortable and unnerving when it does arrive. I’ve felt it slowly creep up on me during the summer even though I’ve been quite happy with the stuff I’ve been shooting and posting. The change in weather and most important - light - might also have something to do with it.
Read Morephotographer's block
Oil rigs across the channel in Galveston, Texas. A photo that was taken during a most excellent day photography wise.
Photography on a "spectrum" *
Photography is a funny thing sometimes. At best it's such an easy, effortless and fun process; you don't even notice how you take picture after picture and they're (mostly) all good enough to be kept in your photo library, while at the worst you think no matter what you do every single picture you take sucks complete and utter monkey balls!
Fortunately I tend to be mostly on the positive side of this spectrum (if you can call it that), but like most photographers sometimes I have doubts about whether my photography is any good, if it is really worth it.
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It's been almost two months since I posted anything on this blog and that is definitely too long a gap between posts! I will blame a camera in the repair shop for a few weeks and a general lack of photographic focus, but hopefully now that the machine is back and in working order again I hope I can get back some of the drive to take pictures!
Read MoreThe Long Bridge at Bjärred, Sweden on a January afternoon. One of my first images of 2017
New what?
At the start of a year you're supposed to write a "this is what I will try to achieve" post (at least that's what seems to be the consensus among many bloggers), and I did one of those last year, where I stated that in 2016 I would do two things photographically that year; an Instagram 365 project (which I finished) and I would do more analog photography (which I've at least I've begun to do). So that's great for 2016...but that makes me think of goals for 2017.
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